Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 28...and a little indigestion

It's 1 am and I'm awake. Possibly from sleeping until 2 pm today (don't worry, I had worked last night), but mostly from this indigestion that makes a sudden appearance after I've slept for about 3 hours. Guess that means it's time for another blog.

As of tomorrow (Wednesday), we'll be at week 28...the beginning of month 7...the beginnng of the final third of pregnancy! When I think of it as "about 12 more weekends" until she's here (unless she's anxious to get out), it seems kind of scary. Only "kind of" scary since it still hasn't hit me quite yet that she's ours and will be our responsibility to mold her into a well-rounded person. Regardless, I can't wait to be a mommy and hold and snuggle our tiny baby girl and I really can't wait to see how her and her daddy interact. There's just something about a daddy and his little baby, especially a little girl. :)

The other night she pushed so hard against my abdomen like she was trying to get out of there that it was down right painful and I was wondering if she was going to try to make an appearance through my belly button (or what's left of it)! Jordon told her that it's "not quite time yet" and a few seconds later she was back to doing what has become her normal gymnastics routine. I still can't believe something so little can cause that much commotion and I know it's only going to be getting worse as she keeps getting bigger and bigger!

During the past week I've also learned that nothing should be taken for granted; you never know when or how your life can change. Well, maybe I already knew this, but it never really hit me until this week when we found out that J's grandma had a really bad brain bleed.

Granted, I do work on a neuroscience floor and I see patients who've had brain bleeds all the time, but it's not the same until it affects part of your own family. It's just become even scarier and makes me think about how those patients' families have felt and what I can do to make it better for them. In a few hours Ms. Bonnie goes in for surgery that will hopefully prevent more bleeding and help her to wake up. I can't imagine not having her here for Kirkland to meet. We'll be saying lots of prayers today that everything goes as planned and that God's will be done.

It all makes me appreciate the smallest things in life, even getting to tell my family that I love them everyday.

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