Don't get me wrong, I'm extrememly excited to be pregnant and have Kirkland on the way, but I'm really over this whole being pregnant and miserable thing. Thank goodness there's 5 weeks or less and I'm hoping for the less part.
Jordon keeps saying he's tired of hearing me "complain" about being pregnant and tired (more like exhausted). My advice is just keep your mouth shut unless you've been pregnant yourself. You only make a pregnant, hormonal woman more angry.
I don't know how some people are like "being pregnant was the greatest thing ever." The end result is what keeps me going. I mean it's not horrible, but I'm tired of being huge, sweaty, uncomfortable, and not able to move like I did before. I don't think men understand what it's like to have to go through this.
I'm thinking all men should have to spend a week in the life of a woman. First to experience everything that comes along with a period then go through a quick pregnancy from morning sickness to being huge to swollen ankles to aching back and sciatica to labor and delivery....all while working and keeping house/children. I really think they'd have a greater appreciation.
Okay, I'm done with my little rant for now. I'm tired and have only had 3 hours of sleep since working last night. I'm exhausted and moody. Sorry.
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