Saturday, January 29, 2011

"I'm not a newborn anymore!"

Three months old and not a newborn any longer!! I feel like we've accomplished something and should be like, "hey, we've kept her alive and healthy for 3 whole months and counting!!" haha...

Miss priss is growing, changing, and learning something new everyday. Her new favorite things are:
sitting in the Bumbo practicing not being a bobble head,

sitting in her feeding seat playing with toys on the tray,

sitting in the "happy seat" grabbing at toys,

playing with her tongue,

and looking in the mirror at herself.

She loves to jibber-jabber and smile about everything, especially when she's getting her diaper changed or sitting in her "happy seat." (She woke us up a few mornings ago "talking" in her crib to her mobile. Seriously the cutest thing ever!)

Now that I'm back to work, we've gotten ourselves on more of a routine. Jordon keeps her at night while during the day my mom, dad, or him watch her for me to sleep. I'm actually amazed at how well it works out with me working at night, but then if I worked 12 hour days I'd probably not get to play with her as much when I have to work.

Kirkland now goes to bed between 7:30pm and 8:30pm and sleeps between 8 and 12 hours at a time. We're so thankful because it gives Jordon and I a chance to spend some time together and to get some good sleep.

This little girl is seriously the best thing that ever happened to us and we're amazed by how much she's changed from 3 months ago and even just day to day! I never thought a little toothless grin could melt my heart so fast!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

11 weeks...almost

Time just won't stop flying by!! Our little girl will be 11 weeks old tomorrow! She's still growing, changing, and learning new things everyday!

She has now started noticing her hands. She eats them, stares at them, and is trying to grab at things. She also loves watching someone elses hands and fingers and has a ball when we do finger plays with her like "Itsy Bitsy Spider."

She has been going back to sleep after her 6-7 am feeding and sleeping until 10 or so, which I won't complain about at all! She's also doing great as far as going to sleep. We try to put her in the crib around 10 or 10:30 pm and she's able to get herself to sleep if she isn't already.

My first day back to work was Monday. Yeah, I picked a nice, snowy, icy day to go back to work. My mom actually stayed overnight so she could watch Kirkland for Jordon to take me to work. From what I'm told, everything went smoothly and Jordon did great. Tomorrow he will be completely by himself with her, but I'm not worried at all.

I'll eventually post her 2 month old and our snow pictures. I'm such a slacker!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tummy time, oh tummy time

My daughter hates tummy time. When I say hate, I mean hate. We've been working on trying to get her to at least like it, but now it's to the point that when you pick her up to flip her over and her knees hit the floor she starts fussing and eventually crying to get up.

We've tried almost everything and the pediatrician even gave me an article on how to teach her to like tummy time. We get in the floor with her, put a fun toy in front of her, and I even propped her up on the Boppy, but after a minute she gets mad and fusses and cries.

Today, I had her in the floor and picked her up and mentioned tummy time and she freaked before her toes even hit the pallet. All I could do was laugh. I think this little girl definately has a mind of her own.