Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy birthday to mommy!

Monday was my first birthday as a mommy! Best birthday ever I might add since I got my Christmas/birthday present nearly 4 months ago!

We're working on eating baby food now and she's doing well if we can just get everyone who keeps her to be consistant with our feeding schedule. She still makes the

"oh my gosh, what are you feeding me"

face at first, but then she starts opening her mouth up and gobbling up her food. So far we've tried sweet potatoes, carrots, fresh banana, and peaches. Sweet potatoes and carrots are "regulars" this week and then we'll add another "regular."

Today I plan on getting a food processor so I can make and freeze her baby food and we won't be wasting as much since she only eat a little out of the containers over the 2-3 days and then we have to chunk them. We'll see how this goes.

Still no rolling over yet. She's so close, but her arm just gets in the way. It's very close though.

We went to her first "awake" trip to the zoo last Thursday. The weather was gorgeous, but not so much her mood at first. After a 40 minute melt-down, scaring some little kids on a field trip, and freaking out the elephants we were sitting near, she was fine. I think she's a little spoiled though (duh) because I took her out to watch someone feed the giraffe that was standing right in front of us and after that she expected me to hold her and not put her back in the stroller. Not a great idea when it was just me and her and my arm ended up being so tired! After the melt-down, she did seem to enjoy looking a the animals, particularly the fish and the lizards (gross). I'm anxious to take her back, but this time with some help so we can take turns holding her and pushing the stroller.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Within this past week, Kirkland has laughed out loud for the first time (thanks to Granny Dot) and is soooo close to rolling over it's not funny! Now that's she laughed, I've only been able to get to do it once more.
She's a tough cookie I guess!
I've been trying to get her to roll over by putting her on her floor mat so that she has to roll over to be able to see the TV. Sad, I know, but for some reason this baby loves watching TV and she'll ignore you in a heartbeat to catch a glimpse of a football game.

I'm hoping to be able to post soon that she's rolled over for the first time all by herself!