Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time flies...

I promise to update more often. There's so much Kirkland can do now that I can't even fit it in just one blog. But let's just say she gets into anything & everything.

My baby (and I use that name loosely because she's not so much a baby anymore) has started the "monkey see, monkey do" phase. My mom was telling her to "chew" last night and pulling her arm like she was pulling a train horn and Kirkland had to pull the horn too. We have to be careful what we say also because she'll just randomly blurt out words she just heard, like "grandad" and "patty cake." No lie. My 9 month old said "patty cake" just as plain as day sitting in her feeding chair and then started clapping those sweet, sticky hands to get her point across. She hasn't said it since. (haha)

Kirkland's also getting/gotten her first tooth. Watch your finger; that little tooth is sharp when she chomps down! I found out the hard way. And right next to that little white tooth poking through the gum is another one about to sprout. Surprizingly, she's taken this teething deal really well and only gets a little fussy every now and then. Luckily.

I finally had to hide put up everything from her reach on the shelves. The bad thing is, she still manages to find it and will sit, point, and make her "look here" noises until you acknowledge that that is indeed what she wants and she isn't getting it. Prepare for fit now. She knows the drawers and containers where I've stashed her goodies, but still insists several times daily to try to get me to cave in a give her "no no's." I hold up pretty well on this; my parents and Jordon on the otherhand, don't. We can see who the boss is in that group.

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