I cannot believe my little baby is 2 months old! It seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. I hate how the time is flying, but each day brings something new and exciting for both her and us. I'm absolutely in love with this little girl and I love being a mommy.
Kirkland isn't the tiny, quiet baby anymore. Now that she's got this cooing thing down pat, she's very vocal and will let you know very loudly if she's bored with something. She's becoming a mommy and daddy's girl and when she's sleepy don't count on anyone else but us to get to her calm down and go "night-night." I makes me feel important and needed. I still feel like someone is going to come and be like, "okay, your time playing mommy is up and I'll take my baby back now."
We had a great first Christmas with her! Even though she's so little, we still had a blast and she was so excited. She woke up on Christmas morning grinning ear to ear. I think she could sense how excited we were! After her morning bottle we sat her on the floor in her Boppy and showed her what Santa had brought to her. Her face and her excitement was priceless. I can't wait until next year when she's into everything and able to open her own presents!
Today we went to visit Dr. Haile for her 2 month check up...and shots. She weighs 11.3 pounds and is 22 1/2 inches long. She's still between the 50th and 75th percentile and is healthy and developing as she should be. And then it was time for her shots...all 3 of them! My daddy ended up going with me because a) I'm not quite proficient enough to take her myself and b) I couldn't take seeing my baby get shots. The nurse made me hold her little arms so she wouldn't wiggle so much when she was getting her shots and I swear I almost cried. Poor Kirkland started screaming and did the cry and then hold her breath until her face had started turning blue. I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything about the pain, but when I picked her up to cuddle her afterwards she immediately stopped crying until she realized that we had interrupted her bottle time. I hate shots, but if that's what it takes to keep her healthy and happy then a little bit of pain for the both of us is worth it.
I have to get back to work on the 10th, so until then I'm going to be enjoying every minute that I can get with her.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
What I've learned
I've been thinking lately about all the things I've learned since Kirkland arrived.
First, the second she was born I learned what loving someone more than anything in the world was like. I've never felt so protective. That's why I'm so funny about people washing their hands before touching her and I give dirty looks at times when another child coughs near her. I can't help it.
I learned to just let go. My house is the messiest it has been the whole time we've lived here. I'd rather spend the time playing with Kirkland than sticking her in her swing or crib. Granted, I do put her under her gym or let her play on the floor or swing so I can get some things done. Over the last 6 weeks, she has already changed so much and started doing new things that I don't want to miss out when she does something new. I'm definitely not ready to go back to work!
I've learned to get over what people think. We were in a restaurant last week and Kirkland got upset and was inconsolable. Luckily there was only one other customer at the time and while the waiter and I were visibly disturbed by my crying baby, the other customer politely looked over and said that she understood because she has a 7 month old. There really are people who understand having an upset baby in public.
Sometimes Jordon and I really do know what's best for her. I've had a hard time telling older and more experienced people what to do with Kirkland, like how she likes to be held or the best way to get her to drink her bottle. We know her better than anyone else. It still seems weird when someone asks me what to do for her because I'm her mommy. Still a little surreal.
I've learned that something so little can get your wrapped around her tiny finger in an instant. Look at Jordon.
Basically, in the 6 short weeks I have learned that I have, by far, begun the best job in the world.
First, the second she was born I learned what loving someone more than anything in the world was like. I've never felt so protective. That's why I'm so funny about people washing their hands before touching her and I give dirty looks at times when another child coughs near her. I can't help it.
I learned to just let go. My house is the messiest it has been the whole time we've lived here. I'd rather spend the time playing with Kirkland than sticking her in her swing or crib. Granted, I do put her under her gym or let her play on the floor or swing so I can get some things done. Over the last 6 weeks, she has already changed so much and started doing new things that I don't want to miss out when she does something new. I'm definitely not ready to go back to work!
I've learned to get over what people think. We were in a restaurant last week and Kirkland got upset and was inconsolable. Luckily there was only one other customer at the time and while the waiter and I were visibly disturbed by my crying baby, the other customer politely looked over and said that she understood because she has a 7 month old. There really are people who understand having an upset baby in public.
Sometimes Jordon and I really do know what's best for her. I've had a hard time telling older and more experienced people what to do with Kirkland, like how she likes to be held or the best way to get her to drink her bottle. We know her better than anyone else. It still seems weird when someone asks me what to do for her because I'm her mommy. Still a little surreal.
I've learned that something so little can get your wrapped around her tiny finger in an instant. Look at Jordon.
Basically, in the 6 short weeks I have learned that I have, by far, begun the best job in the world.
6 weeks old!
I can't believe that this time 6 weeks ago Kirkland was just less than 24 hours old! I guess it's true what they say about "time flies when you're having fun"...and getting much less sleep.
This little girl is so much fun! Her attention span is definately getting longer and she will lay under her play gym for 20 to 30 minutes at a time and try to knock her little toy. We have "play time" almost every night where Jordon and I lay her on a blanket on the floor in the living room and talk and play with her...and she coos and makes all kinds of fun baby noises!
I've determined that this child is a morning person. I always do her 5 to 7am feedings so Jordon can get a little rest before he gets up for work and it never fails that she's wide awake and has the biggest grin when she's done with her bottle.
We took her to the peditrician earlier this week for a little rash (that turned out to be nothing more than newborn acne) and she weighed 9 lbs 15 oz. We had tried to guess and thought she was only a little over 8 lbs. We were totally wrong! Dr. Haile says that she's healthy and growing like a weed. Hopefully no more peds visits until later this month for her 2 month check up.

She can go from happy to upset in 2 seconds!
This little girl is so much fun! Her attention span is definately getting longer and she will lay under her play gym for 20 to 30 minutes at a time and try to knock her little toy. We have "play time" almost every night where Jordon and I lay her on a blanket on the floor in the living room and talk and play with her...and she coos and makes all kinds of fun baby noises!
I've determined that this child is a morning person. I always do her 5 to 7am feedings so Jordon can get a little rest before he gets up for work and it never fails that she's wide awake and has the biggest grin when she's done with her bottle.
We took her to the peditrician earlier this week for a little rash (that turned out to be nothing more than newborn acne) and she weighed 9 lbs 15 oz. We had tried to guess and thought she was only a little over 8 lbs. We were totally wrong! Dr. Haile says that she's healthy and growing like a weed. Hopefully no more peds visits until later this month for her 2 month check up.
She can go from happy to upset in 2 seconds!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
1 month old!
Kirkland is 1 month old! It doesn't seem like she's been here a month!
She's recently started cooing...and doing a lot of "fussing" when she gets bored or mad, especially over the hiccups. She's makes all kinds of noises and she makes more and more everyday.
This week we graduated from newborn diapers to size ones. The newborns were getting too small, but the size ones are still a little too big. Too bad they don't make a size in between newborn and ones.
We had her on the floor playing tonight and Jordon decided to measure her...23 inches!! She's grown so much in just a month!
She went on her first shopping trip with mommy and daddy today to Hobby Lobby to get some Christmas decorations. Of course we took her to Za's for the first time while we were out. She did great with both, but we've learned that it's hard to travel with her and keep her on a schedule with feedings and naps. Looks like we won't be making any trips over about 30 or 45 minutes any time soon.
Another thing I've noticed is that this baby loves her daddy. The moment she hears his voice she starts looking around for him and of course when we were playing tonight and he was talking to her she was grinning from ear to ear. I think we have a serious daddy's girl.
I have to brag about Jordon too. He kept her for the first time yesterday all by himself. It was a little too cold to take her out and I had some errands, so I told Jordon he had to learn to keep her alone and it was the perfect time to learn. They both did good...she slept most of the time and when I got home she had just started on a bottle. The good thing is that I was gone about an hour and wasn't once worried about them.
She's recently started cooing...and doing a lot of "fussing" when she gets bored or mad, especially over the hiccups. She's makes all kinds of noises and she makes more and more everyday.
This week we graduated from newborn diapers to size ones. The newborns were getting too small, but the size ones are still a little too big. Too bad they don't make a size in between newborn and ones.
We had her on the floor playing tonight and Jordon decided to measure her...23 inches!! She's grown so much in just a month!
She went on her first shopping trip with mommy and daddy today to Hobby Lobby to get some Christmas decorations. Of course we took her to Za's for the first time while we were out. She did great with both, but we've learned that it's hard to travel with her and keep her on a schedule with feedings and naps. Looks like we won't be making any trips over about 30 or 45 minutes any time soon.
Another thing I've noticed is that this baby loves her daddy. The moment she hears his voice she starts looking around for him and of course when we were playing tonight and he was talking to her she was grinning from ear to ear. I think we have a serious daddy's girl.
I have to brag about Jordon too. He kept her for the first time yesterday all by himself. It was a little too cold to take her out and I had some errands, so I told Jordon he had to learn to keep her alone and it was the perfect time to learn. They both did good...she slept most of the time and when I got home she had just started on a bottle. The good thing is that I was gone about an hour and wasn't once worried about them.
Monday, November 22, 2010
3 weeks old
Kirkland is now holding her head up and looking all around like a big girl!! Her little head still flops, but she's gotten a lot stronger just since last week.
She eats like a champ and we just bumped her up to 4 ounces per feed and she sucks the bottle dry! On average she goes 4 to 5 hours in between feeds unless she awake and she'll want a bottle as soon as 2 hours. I claim all the eating on the growth spurt that I was told she goes through at 3 weeks, as well as at 6 and 12 weeks.
Today she smiled!! Not just a gas smile, but she really smiled. First, she smiled at her daddy because he was being silly and I swear it looked like she was going to burst out with laughter! Then my mom said she did the same thing to her when she was talking to her and she did the same thing to me when I was playing with her and sticking out my tongue. It's seriously the sweetest thing ever and I could just eat those little chipmunk cheeks!
Her attention span seems to be increasing because now she lays under her play gym a little longer staring and trying to talk to her toys. Just recently she's started swatting at one that hangs down really low. I can't tell if she's meaning to or if it's just because she's excited and moving her arm and hitting it, but when she hits it, it's like she has this amazed look on her face.
She's trying so hard to coo and make baby sounds. She's getting there and making some new noises, especially when someone's talking and playing with her.
We're about to outgrow newborn clothes! She's getting so long and filling out that it won't be but maying another week or two before she's able to wear her 0-3 month clothes and have them actually fit.
She's so sweet and cuddly, but a little impatient, especially when it comes to her bottle. Jordon and I have a routine down that we can do in our sleep (and sometimes we end up doing it in our sleep) where I'm in charge of diaper changing and he starts the bottle warming process so it's usually done by the time we get a dry hinny. I have to admit that we were a good team before Kirkland, but we're a heck of a team now!
She keeps us busy and on our toes, but I don't even remember what it was like when she wasn't here. I love being this sweet baby's mommy and I love spending time with her...even at 1am feeds when she thinks it's time to stay up and play. The only thing I dislike the the fact that I feel like she's growing up too fast and she's only 3 weeks old!
She eats like a champ and we just bumped her up to 4 ounces per feed and she sucks the bottle dry! On average she goes 4 to 5 hours in between feeds unless she awake and she'll want a bottle as soon as 2 hours. I claim all the eating on the growth spurt that I was told she goes through at 3 weeks, as well as at 6 and 12 weeks.
Today she smiled!! Not just a gas smile, but she really smiled. First, she smiled at her daddy because he was being silly and I swear it looked like she was going to burst out with laughter! Then my mom said she did the same thing to her when she was talking to her and she did the same thing to me when I was playing with her and sticking out my tongue. It's seriously the sweetest thing ever and I could just eat those little chipmunk cheeks!
Her attention span seems to be increasing because now she lays under her play gym a little longer staring and trying to talk to her toys. Just recently she's started swatting at one that hangs down really low. I can't tell if she's meaning to or if it's just because she's excited and moving her arm and hitting it, but when she hits it, it's like she has this amazed look on her face.
She's trying so hard to coo and make baby sounds. She's getting there and making some new noises, especially when someone's talking and playing with her.
We're about to outgrow newborn clothes! She's getting so long and filling out that it won't be but maying another week or two before she's able to wear her 0-3 month clothes and have them actually fit.
She's so sweet and cuddly, but a little impatient, especially when it comes to her bottle. Jordon and I have a routine down that we can do in our sleep (and sometimes we end up doing it in our sleep) where I'm in charge of diaper changing and he starts the bottle warming process so it's usually done by the time we get a dry hinny. I have to admit that we were a good team before Kirkland, but we're a heck of a team now!
She keeps us busy and on our toes, but I don't even remember what it was like when she wasn't here. I love being this sweet baby's mommy and I love spending time with her...even at 1am feeds when she thinks it's time to stay up and play. The only thing I dislike the the fact that I feel like she's growing up too fast and she's only 3 weeks old!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
2 weeks
We're very lucky that Kirkland is such a sweet baby. She had a little bout with jaundice right after she came home, but she's completely healthy now.
For her first peditrician's appointment she weighed 6 lbs, 14.5 oz and when we went back a couple days later to have her billirubin level checked she had gotten back to her birth weight of 7 lbs, 2 oz.
She doesn't cry very much...only when she's wet or hungry and occassionally when she's really tired and just can't get to sleep on her own.
She's doing very well with sleeping at night. She's gotten to 3 to 3.5 hours in between feeds so we actually get a couple of hours of sleep. She's also doing really well with her feeds and she drinks about 3 oz of formula each time. (We're still working on the breast milk deal, but we'll get there eventually.)
She's able to get herself to sleep when we lay her in her crib and she's not fully asleep. Otherwise, she'll just lay there and check out her surroundings.
She's seriously the sweetest little thing!
For her first peditrician's appointment she weighed 6 lbs, 14.5 oz and when we went back a couple days later to have her billirubin level checked she had gotten back to her birth weight of 7 lbs, 2 oz.
She doesn't cry very much...only when she's wet or hungry and occassionally when she's really tired and just can't get to sleep on her own.
She's doing very well with sleeping at night. She's gotten to 3 to 3.5 hours in between feeds so we actually get a couple of hours of sleep. She's also doing really well with her feeds and she drinks about 3 oz of formula each time. (We're still working on the breast milk deal, but we'll get there eventually.)
She's able to get herself to sleep when we lay her in her crib and she's not fully asleep. Otherwise, she'll just lay there and check out her surroundings.
She's seriously the sweetest little thing!
Welcome Baby Kirkland
She's finally here!
Audrey Kirkland Atkinson made her appearance on October 29 at 4:53pm. She weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz and was 19 inches long.
Jordon was right with his prediction that she'd be a Halloween baby...and she did get to come home on Halloween!
We have lots and lots of pictures of her. So many that I can't upload them all here, but they're on my Facebook page.
Updates to follow!
Audrey Kirkland Atkinson made her appearance on October 29 at 4:53pm. She weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz and was 19 inches long.
Jordon was right with his prediction that she'd be a Halloween baby...and she did get to come home on Halloween!
We have lots and lots of pictures of her. So many that I can't upload them all here, but they're on my Facebook page.
Updates to follow!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Very Soon!!!
Woohoo!! Dr. Linfert says that we should be welcoming Kirkland into the world between now and the end of the weekend! (Talk about disappointed if she's not here by then!) I'm so happy to finally have some sort of "time line" instead of just not knowing.
I actually thought my water had broken yesterday and when I went to my appointment she checked and said it wasn't that (but luckily not pee either!) but probably due to some rapid cervix changes. :) Jordon said my eyes got huge when Dr. Linfert said "4cm and 75% thinned." It was a huge relief that something had changed since last week all that Dr. Goode said was it was "thinned."
After she checked some fluid under the microscope she came back in and said that while the fluid wasn't amniotic fluid that it would be "very soon" and most likely happening between "tonight and the end of the weekend."
Of course nothing happened last night and I think we actually got some decent rest. I keep telling myself this could be the last time Jordon and I can get a good night's rest with just the two of us.
I did hit me last night that if I'm at 4cm, I could get an epidural time I got to the hospital...haha. I want to go as long as possible, but 8cm is the cut off and what if I dialte a lot more before I have to the hospital and don't get there in time to get one?? EEKKK!! Only I would be freaking out about this, but although I highly doubt I have to face that problem, it worries me that I'm at 4cm and didn't even realize it...and haven't had any noticable Braxton Hicks contractions lately.
Hopefully it'll happen soon. We just have to wait until a) my water breaks or b) contractions 5 minutes apart for more than an hour and I'm not able to talk through them (I may make the call a little before they're 5 minutes apart though).
Maybe the next update we'll have a birthday to announce and new family member to introduce!! :)
I actually thought my water had broken yesterday and when I went to my appointment she checked and said it wasn't that (but luckily not pee either!) but probably due to some rapid cervix changes. :) Jordon said my eyes got huge when Dr. Linfert said "4cm and 75% thinned." It was a huge relief that something had changed since last week all that Dr. Goode said was it was "thinned."
After she checked some fluid under the microscope she came back in and said that while the fluid wasn't amniotic fluid that it would be "very soon" and most likely happening between "tonight and the end of the weekend."
Of course nothing happened last night and I think we actually got some decent rest. I keep telling myself this could be the last time Jordon and I can get a good night's rest with just the two of us.
I did hit me last night that if I'm at 4cm, I could get an epidural time I got to the hospital...haha. I want to go as long as possible, but 8cm is the cut off and what if I dialte a lot more before I have to the hospital and don't get there in time to get one?? EEKKK!! Only I would be freaking out about this, but although I highly doubt I have to face that problem, it worries me that I'm at 4cm and didn't even realize it...and haven't had any noticable Braxton Hicks contractions lately.
Hopefully it'll happen soon. We just have to wait until a) my water breaks or b) contractions 5 minutes apart for more than an hour and I'm not able to talk through them (I may make the call a little before they're 5 minutes apart though).
Maybe the next update we'll have a birthday to announce and new family member to introduce!! :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
And we wait!
So now that I'm on maternity leave I have a clean house and an empty, ready-to-use nursery. The only things really on my list are to finish thank you cards (been slacking in that department, I confess) and just get a few things put away. Otherwise, I'm about to drive myself crazy waiting....and waiting....and waiting...wondering when she's going to decide that she's ready to meet us. Luckily I'm not nervous, or if I am I haven't let myself realize it yet. I figure that there's no reason to be nervous or scared since I have good doctors and there'll be great nurses there to take care of all 3 of us.
We head back to the doctor tomorrow for our 38 week appointment and we'll see what the doctor says from there. Hopefully, it'll be some good news....like she's still doing and growing well and not too much longer to wait.
Until then, I'm organizing and re-cleaning to give me something to do until she gets here...and hopefully we'll be meeting her before too long!
We head back to the doctor tomorrow for our 38 week appointment and we'll see what the doctor says from there. Hopefully, it'll be some good news....like she's still doing and growing well and not too much longer to wait.
Until then, I'm organizing and re-cleaning to give me something to do until she gets here...and hopefully we'll be meeting her before too long!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Another week closer!
It's been a busy week since my last appointment. The best part has been the shower that my co-workers gave me! My mom even went with me and we had so much fun...and now she knows why I love my job. Everyone has been so sweet in getting gifts for Kirkland and we're so thankful for each and everything! I don't want to hear that we're spoiling her because it sure seems like everyone else is doing a good job of doing it too! (Haha)
I had another doctor's appointment this morning after work. Unfortunately, my blood pressure was unusually high for me and I had gained 7 lbs since last week! I know there's no way I've gained that much weight and I had the same problem the last time I went to an appointment after working and was all swollen. We'll just see how that ends up next week.
Otherwise, I'm measuring a tad bit small (still 36), but she said that baby's head is very, very low with no dilation but almost completely effaced. I've been having some pretty hard Braxton Hicks contractions so hopefully the no dilation part will have changed by next week.
Sorry to my the Davis side of my family, but unless she has a major attitude change it doesn't look like she'll be coming on the 21st! My hopes are still that she'll be a Halloween baby, but we'll see. Sounds like she's just going to do her own thing anyways (doesn't this sound familiar).
And.....tonight is my LAST night of working on the floor, then I have 2 days of class this week and I'm on maternity leave!! Of course the doctor reminded me today that she agrees it's good for me to have some time to prepare for her but that being on maternity leave doesn't mean I can be running up and down the road but that it'd be fine to be doing work/organizing around the house. We'll see how this goes!
I had another doctor's appointment this morning after work. Unfortunately, my blood pressure was unusually high for me and I had gained 7 lbs since last week! I know there's no way I've gained that much weight and I had the same problem the last time I went to an appointment after working and was all swollen. We'll just see how that ends up next week.
Otherwise, I'm measuring a tad bit small (still 36), but she said that baby's head is very, very low with no dilation but almost completely effaced. I've been having some pretty hard Braxton Hicks contractions so hopefully the no dilation part will have changed by next week.
Sorry to my the Davis side of my family, but unless she has a major attitude change it doesn't look like she'll be coming on the 21st! My hopes are still that she'll be a Halloween baby, but we'll see. Sounds like she's just going to do her own thing anyways (doesn't this sound familiar).
And.....tonight is my LAST night of working on the floor, then I have 2 days of class this week and I'm on maternity leave!! Of course the doctor reminded me today that she agrees it's good for me to have some time to prepare for her but that being on maternity leave doesn't mean I can be running up and down the road but that it'd be fine to be doing work/organizing around the house. We'll see how this goes!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Week 36
Aaaahhhh...that's me taking the first deep breath I've been able to take in what seems like months! I've enjoyed the last few days of big, deep yawns thanks to Miss Priss finally deciding to drop. :) I even had someone ask me the other day if I was having a boy because I was carrying low. Nope, I'm just due in 4 weeks. 4 WEEKS (or less)!
Of course with my long awaited deep breaths comes the fact that I no longer walk...I waddle and I pee literally about every 30 minutes. All just signs that she's getting closer to being here!!
Yesterday was my first appointment of the home stretch, so I'll be going every week until she's here. According to the doctor, we're just waiting for her to decide she's tired of being cooped up in my belly. She said no dilation changes, but I'd started thinning out and she could feel her head...and it didn't feel like she was in my tonsils when she checked me this time. All good signs!
My mom and my daddy's side of the family is still convinced that she'll be born on the 21st since that's our "family number" and we have several members on that side of the family born on a 21st of a month (I'm one of them!). It's quite possible and my mom said it's a full moon so maybe it'll "pull" her on out. As long as she healthy and ready then she can come on whenever she's ready!
Of course with my long awaited deep breaths comes the fact that I no longer walk...I waddle and I pee literally about every 30 minutes. All just signs that she's getting closer to being here!!
Yesterday was my first appointment of the home stretch, so I'll be going every week until she's here. According to the doctor, we're just waiting for her to decide she's tired of being cooped up in my belly. She said no dilation changes, but I'd started thinning out and she could feel her head...and it didn't feel like she was in my tonsils when she checked me this time. All good signs!
My mom and my daddy's side of the family is still convinced that she'll be born on the 21st since that's our "family number" and we have several members on that side of the family born on a 21st of a month (I'm one of them!). It's quite possible and my mom said it's a full moon so maybe it'll "pull" her on out. As long as she healthy and ready then she can come on whenever she's ready!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Baby shower #1
Kirkland's first baby shower was yesterday afternoon at First Baptist Church in Bishopville. My cousin (basically sister), Tommie Sue, and two friends of our family, Teresa Elmore and Kim Barkley, hosted the shower. Thank y'all!
We had a blast and little missy definately has plenty of clothing for the first few months of life! She also got lots and lots of diapers, wipes, lotions, and baby washes. Thank you to everyone who has given her gifts! I can't wait to get her here so we can put some of her new things to use. :)
Me with my gorgeous cousins Danielle and Jenny Lynn

My mom made her 4 pair of booties, one of which goes with her Carolina outfit
We had a blast and little missy definately has plenty of clothing for the first few months of life! She also got lots and lots of diapers, wipes, lotions, and baby washes. Thank you to everyone who has given her gifts! I can't wait to get her here so we can put some of her new things to use. :)
Me with my gorgeous cousins Danielle and Jenny Lynn
My mom made her 4 pair of booties, one of which goes with her Carolina outfit
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Practice run
So last night we kind of had a "practice run" after I'd been having contractions every 5-10 minutes for a few hours. The doctor on call thought it was just a false alarm, but to be sure she had me head over to L&D just to be checked out.
Luckily, the contractions were/are irregular and not strong enough to be causing any progress. While I'm still having some bad cramping and lower back pain, the contractions have gone down to around 30 minutes apart and not quite as uncomfortable as before.
Hopefully some rest will do the trick and I'll bounce back to cleaning and getting ready for her to get here...in no less than 2 weeks.
Luckily, the contractions were/are irregular and not strong enough to be causing any progress. While I'm still having some bad cramping and lower back pain, the contractions have gone down to around 30 minutes apart and not quite as uncomfortable as before.
Hopefully some rest will do the trick and I'll bounce back to cleaning and getting ready for her to get here...in no less than 2 weeks.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A pregnancy rant
Don't get me wrong, I'm extrememly excited to be pregnant and have Kirkland on the way, but I'm really over this whole being pregnant and miserable thing. Thank goodness there's 5 weeks or less and I'm hoping for the less part.
Jordon keeps saying he's tired of hearing me "complain" about being pregnant and tired (more like exhausted). My advice is just keep your mouth shut unless you've been pregnant yourself. You only make a pregnant, hormonal woman more angry.
I don't know how some people are like "being pregnant was the greatest thing ever." The end result is what keeps me going. I mean it's not horrible, but I'm tired of being huge, sweaty, uncomfortable, and not able to move like I did before. I don't think men understand what it's like to have to go through this.
I'm thinking all men should have to spend a week in the life of a woman. First to experience everything that comes along with a period then go through a quick pregnancy from morning sickness to being huge to swollen ankles to aching back and sciatica to labor and delivery....all while working and keeping house/children. I really think they'd have a greater appreciation.
Okay, I'm done with my little rant for now. I'm tired and have only had 3 hours of sleep since working last night. I'm exhausted and moody. Sorry.
Jordon keeps saying he's tired of hearing me "complain" about being pregnant and tired (more like exhausted). My advice is just keep your mouth shut unless you've been pregnant yourself. You only make a pregnant, hormonal woman more angry.
I don't know how some people are like "being pregnant was the greatest thing ever." The end result is what keeps me going. I mean it's not horrible, but I'm tired of being huge, sweaty, uncomfortable, and not able to move like I did before. I don't think men understand what it's like to have to go through this.
I'm thinking all men should have to spend a week in the life of a woman. First to experience everything that comes along with a period then go through a quick pregnancy from morning sickness to being huge to swollen ankles to aching back and sciatica to labor and delivery....all while working and keeping house/children. I really think they'd have a greater appreciation.
Okay, I'm done with my little rant for now. I'm tired and have only had 3 hours of sleep since working last night. I'm exhausted and moody. Sorry.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
6 weeks left...maybe less!
Our 34 week appointment was yesterday and we were hoping to get to see her sweet face in an ultrasound. The doctor said, though, that they'd only do one if they thought something was wrong and needed to check on her. I'm sad we didn't get to see her, but still happy that they think everything is going the way it should.
I read yesterday in my weekly pregnancy email that if she were born between 34 and 36 weeks, she'd be fine, just maybe need a little watching in the special nursery. Hopefully she won't take that chance and she'll wait until at least 37 weeks, but she's on her own agenda and as long as she gets here healthy and safely then we'll deal with whatever comes our way when needed.
I officially have put in for maternity leave! Even though I know I'll miss my co-workers, I'm pretty excited to be going on "vacation" for about 8 weeks. My last day of work is October 23rd, maybe 22nd since I'm taking a class. I say that's my last day, but we'll see if little missy has something else planned. I've learned that I can't "plan" and that I have to just let it happen, which anyone knows is hard for me! I'm still working on it and at least I feel like I'm making progress.
I have to take a minute to brag on my sweet husband. First he said that he didn't think a picture of a dead deer should go on the baby's website...and he ended up getting a new phone and losing the picture anyways, so whatever. Secondly, he folded up the towels!! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm OCD about neatness and having things in order and last time he "folded" them he did a half hearted attempt and had then all uneven. This time he took his time and put them in the linen closet and it looks like I did it! Woohoo!!
Third, we've made a plan to not eat out but maybe once a week (I confess that we ate out most nights and me working night shift doesn't help when Jordon's the only one home). So far so good. Jordon bought a rotissere chicken on his way home the other night and we still have enough chicken on it that I'm going to make some chicken salad before I go to work tonight. We've also fallen in love with hoagie rolls. They make anything taste good on a sandwich! Ok, here's my bragging part...I went to my little cousin, Jenny Lynn's birthday party last night and when I came home he had cooked dinner. I mean real dinner! It was the first time he'd made something like shepard's pie himself and I have to admit that it was a 7 out of 10. We both agreed on a little more spices, but it was so good and now I'm going to have some good dinner for work tonight!
I read yesterday in my weekly pregnancy email that if she were born between 34 and 36 weeks, she'd be fine, just maybe need a little watching in the special nursery. Hopefully she won't take that chance and she'll wait until at least 37 weeks, but she's on her own agenda and as long as she gets here healthy and safely then we'll deal with whatever comes our way when needed.
I officially have put in for maternity leave! Even though I know I'll miss my co-workers, I'm pretty excited to be going on "vacation" for about 8 weeks. My last day of work is October 23rd, maybe 22nd since I'm taking a class. I say that's my last day, but we'll see if little missy has something else planned. I've learned that I can't "plan" and that I have to just let it happen, which anyone knows is hard for me! I'm still working on it and at least I feel like I'm making progress.
I have to take a minute to brag on my sweet husband. First he said that he didn't think a picture of a dead deer should go on the baby's website...and he ended up getting a new phone and losing the picture anyways, so whatever. Secondly, he folded up the towels!! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm OCD about neatness and having things in order and last time he "folded" them he did a half hearted attempt and had then all uneven. This time he took his time and put them in the linen closet and it looks like I did it! Woohoo!!
Third, we've made a plan to not eat out but maybe once a week (I confess that we ate out most nights and me working night shift doesn't help when Jordon's the only one home). So far so good. Jordon bought a rotissere chicken on his way home the other night and we still have enough chicken on it that I'm going to make some chicken salad before I go to work tonight. We've also fallen in love with hoagie rolls. They make anything taste good on a sandwich! Ok, here's my bragging part...I went to my little cousin, Jenny Lynn's birthday party last night and when I came home he had cooked dinner. I mean real dinner! It was the first time he'd made something like shepard's pie himself and I have to admit that it was a 7 out of 10. We both agreed on a little more spices, but it was so good and now I'm going to have some good dinner for work tonight!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Jordon's first deer!
Woohoo!! Jordon killed his first deer last night! Of course I wasn't there with my camera to document this occassion, but he did take a picture with his phone. I'll try to post the picture later.
So, consider yourself warned...if you come to my house for speghetti, lasagna, cube steak or anything like that, you're more than likely going to be eating some deer meat. Don't say I didn't tell you! :)
So, consider yourself warned...if you come to my house for speghetti, lasagna, cube steak or anything like that, you're more than likely going to be eating some deer meat. Don't say I didn't tell you! :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
A present from "Aunt Nancy"
I had my monthly (sadly, no more frequent than that) lunch outing with one of my best friends, Nancy, yesterday...soon to be "Aunt Nancy." We went to Books A Million looking around and ended up finding this adorable baby record book and picture frame! I was so excited when I saw it because I want to do her a baby book so she can have a record of everything from pregnancy to when she's older and starts school...and it has the little tree and bird nest that goes perfectly with the theme of her "Sittin' in a tree" room! :) "Aunt Nancy" was sweet enough to buy them for her! I've dedicated the picture frame to a picture with her "Aunt Nancy," "Aunt Jenny," and "Aunt Lan." Needless to say I'm ready for her to get her little self here so we can get some pictures of her! (Don't be in a hurry though, baby girl! You come when you're healthy and ready!)
I bought her first Bible story/devotional book yesterday too! I figured the princess theme was very fitting for her. Haha. I can't wait for her to get here so I can read her little Bible stories from this book. I know she won't understand them because she'll be too little, but there's nothing wrong with reading to her! I figured this would be a good start until she's old enough to really understand stories and then we can read from my family's big black book of Bible stories.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
7 weeks or less!
The weeks have finally gotten down into single digits! Woohoo! The doctor's appointment last week went well and everything is still on track...and no, she's not measuring too small or too big! The doctor said that I should be taking my days off to relax and keep my feet up (yeah right) since my cervix has already begun to dilate and efface (sorry for not censoring, but it's part of pregnancy). I've still been having some contractions here and there, but nothing regular or extremely intense.
This weekend while my dad and Jordon worked on our walkway, my mom and I washed all of Kirkland's onsies for newborn up to 3 months and they're put away in her closet and dresser all ready for her to be here to wear them! I've really been in the mood to organize lately...nesting has started to take place already.
I go back to the doctor for my 34 week check up next week. If I remember correctly, we may be getting an ultrasound done just to check her out and see her size and position. I sure hope we get to see her!
Until then, we're just hoping these contractions don't become regular and she stays in the oven for atleast a few more weeks!
This weekend while my dad and Jordon worked on our walkway, my mom and I washed all of Kirkland's onsies for newborn up to 3 months and they're put away in her closet and dresser all ready for her to be here to wear them! I've really been in the mood to organize lately...nesting has started to take place already.
I go back to the doctor for my 34 week check up next week. If I remember correctly, we may be getting an ultrasound done just to check her out and see her size and position. I sure hope we get to see her!
Until then, we're just hoping these contractions don't become regular and she stays in the oven for atleast a few more weeks!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Kirkland timer hasn't popped
My belly button has become the "Kirkland timer" according to Jordon. When it finally pops out, she'll be really (we'll see if this is the case).
Yesterday morning I woke up with some horrible, menstrual like cramps. I know sometimes Braxton Hicks feel like cramps and if you get up and change positions that they'll ease off. I got up, walked to the kitchen got something to drink and came back to lay down with little relief. After another 5 or so minutes it did ease off. I didn't think much else of it and drifted back to sleep until the next one about 3 hours later.
I got up about 3:30 to get ready for work and they started coming closer and harder and making me "nasty sick." I hate calling the doctor because I don't want to call for just some stupid cramps that are no big deal and could be normal, but after I started getting sick and started having them about 15 minutes apart I figured I'd better be safe than sorry, especially at only 31 weeks and some days.
Needless to say, I ended up on Stork's Landing...again...to be monitored and "checked" for pre-term labor. I've never had my parents drive that fast and we were all trying to keep each other calm and waiting for Jordon to meet us at Richland.
Luckily, the nurse said I was only a "smidge" dilated and the tests they ran for pre-term labor came back negative. Apparently dehydration is what was causing the contractions and after I'd drank a ton of fluids and the contractions had spaced out some, we got the okay to go home. I still had contractions about 10-15 mintues apart once I got home, but they weren't as hard.
Once I got to sleep, I only had about 3 contractions actually wake me up. This morning I had about one and hour and then they started spacing out and for the past 5 or so hours I've had one and it wasn't hardly anything! Jordon had my mom come "babysit" me today and make me "rest and stay off my feet." I'm so lucky to have my sweet mama who worked on some stuff for Kirkland, taught me how to cross stitch, straightened up the nursery, and clean my house (while I took a nap)! I really don't know what I'd do without my parents helping us, even with things as little as sweeping or helping Jordon get some stuff crossed off the to-do list.
So, Miss Kirkland, it's not time for you to come quite yet, even though your daddy says you were just excited about Carolina beating UGA. Wait a few more weeks until you're bigger and stronger and then we'll be ready to meet your sweet little face!
Yesterday morning I woke up with some horrible, menstrual like cramps. I know sometimes Braxton Hicks feel like cramps and if you get up and change positions that they'll ease off. I got up, walked to the kitchen got something to drink and came back to lay down with little relief. After another 5 or so minutes it did ease off. I didn't think much else of it and drifted back to sleep until the next one about 3 hours later.
I got up about 3:30 to get ready for work and they started coming closer and harder and making me "nasty sick." I hate calling the doctor because I don't want to call for just some stupid cramps that are no big deal and could be normal, but after I started getting sick and started having them about 15 minutes apart I figured I'd better be safe than sorry, especially at only 31 weeks and some days.
Needless to say, I ended up on Stork's Landing...again...to be monitored and "checked" for pre-term labor. I've never had my parents drive that fast and we were all trying to keep each other calm and waiting for Jordon to meet us at Richland.
Luckily, the nurse said I was only a "smidge" dilated and the tests they ran for pre-term labor came back negative. Apparently dehydration is what was causing the contractions and after I'd drank a ton of fluids and the contractions had spaced out some, we got the okay to go home. I still had contractions about 10-15 mintues apart once I got home, but they weren't as hard.
Once I got to sleep, I only had about 3 contractions actually wake me up. This morning I had about one and hour and then they started spacing out and for the past 5 or so hours I've had one and it wasn't hardly anything! Jordon had my mom come "babysit" me today and make me "rest and stay off my feet." I'm so lucky to have my sweet mama who worked on some stuff for Kirkland, taught me how to cross stitch, straightened up the nursery, and clean my house (while I took a nap)! I really don't know what I'd do without my parents helping us, even with things as little as sweeping or helping Jordon get some stuff crossed off the to-do list.
So, Miss Kirkland, it's not time for you to come quite yet, even though your daddy says you were just excited about Carolina beating UGA. Wait a few more weeks until you're bigger and stronger and then we'll be ready to meet your sweet little face!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
10 weeks (or less) to go!
Woohoo! We've made it to week 30! :) I had my 30 week appointment yesterday (Friday) morning and Dr. Risinger said everything is right on track and she's healthy and perfect so far. I am not even going to say how much I weighed in at because it's just down right embarassing and I'm blaming it on being as puffy as a marshmallow.
Of course my daddy and Jordon had me freaked out earlier this week because they were saying how "big" babies (8+ lbs) run in my dad's side of the family and in Jordon's family. Sorry, but I really don't think I could possibly have enough room for 8+ lbs! Luckily, she said that I have nothing to worry about that if Kirkland were to be a "big" baby she'd be measuring ahead and right now she's measuring at a perfect 30. Plus, she said that during the ultrasound coming up around week 34 she'd be able to tell us an approximate birth weight and if she thought she might be too big then she'd induce me early (thank goodness!). She even said not to worry that they used to let women go 2 or 3 weeks over their due dates, but she wouldn't let me go but a couple of days over before she'd induce me (another thank goodness!).
When Dr. Risinger walked in she asked me how I felt and I pulled my scrub pants up to show her my huge "cankles" and said "disgusting." She laughed, but said that I did need to start relaxing and keep my feet up as much as possible. Good luck with that! Yeah, they're pretty disgusting, but if it's just one little bump in the road to getting the little stinker here then I can deal with it.
Of course my daddy and Jordon had me freaked out earlier this week because they were saying how "big" babies (8+ lbs) run in my dad's side of the family and in Jordon's family. Sorry, but I really don't think I could possibly have enough room for 8+ lbs! Luckily, she said that I have nothing to worry about that if Kirkland were to be a "big" baby she'd be measuring ahead and right now she's measuring at a perfect 30. Plus, she said that during the ultrasound coming up around week 34 she'd be able to tell us an approximate birth weight and if she thought she might be too big then she'd induce me early (thank goodness!). She even said not to worry that they used to let women go 2 or 3 weeks over their due dates, but she wouldn't let me go but a couple of days over before she'd induce me (another thank goodness!).
When Dr. Risinger walked in she asked me how I felt and I pulled my scrub pants up to show her my huge "cankles" and said "disgusting." She laughed, but said that I did need to start relaxing and keep my feet up as much as possible. Good luck with that! Yeah, they're pretty disgusting, but if it's just one little bump in the road to getting the little stinker here then I can deal with it.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Pain in the...ribs
My baby that used to be the size of an itty bitty pea is learning to stretch herself out and stick those little bitty feet right into my ribs! I can't blame her; I'd hate to be squished up myself and I'd be stretching as much as I could too. At 29 weeks, she over 15 inches now and still has growing to do! I have yet to figure out where she's going to be getting all this room from, but we'll see.
She's been very, very active and that makes it easy when I have to do kick counts twice a day. This morning I counted to her goal of 10 kicks in literally a mintue and a half.
So far, so good and no signs of her coming soon, which I'm thankful for but also a little sad. I'm ready to see her sweet face, but she needs to be bigger and stronger before she decides to make an appearance. I think I actually had a Braxton Hicks contraction the other day. It's completely normal to have a few here and there this early and the good thing is that it didn't hurt, just had my belly hard and funky looking.
One of my friends from work, Jenna, bought us one of our first gift bags with some goodies from our registry! So sweet and so unexpected! Thanks Jenna! :)
I talked Jordon into going to Miss Cocky, a store owned by a wife of one of the coaches. We went shortly after they first opened and I loved it and I figured they'd have some cute baby stuff. Of course they did and I had to get Kirkland a little something.

I also got her some little booties and a hat for the hospital. We're still on the search for the perfect coming home outfit, but I have in mind what I want.
She's been very, very active and that makes it easy when I have to do kick counts twice a day. This morning I counted to her goal of 10 kicks in literally a mintue and a half.
So far, so good and no signs of her coming soon, which I'm thankful for but also a little sad. I'm ready to see her sweet face, but she needs to be bigger and stronger before she decides to make an appearance. I think I actually had a Braxton Hicks contraction the other day. It's completely normal to have a few here and there this early and the good thing is that it didn't hurt, just had my belly hard and funky looking.
One of my friends from work, Jenna, bought us one of our first gift bags with some goodies from our registry! So sweet and so unexpected! Thanks Jenna! :)
I talked Jordon into going to Miss Cocky, a store owned by a wife of one of the coaches. We went shortly after they first opened and I loved it and I figured they'd have some cute baby stuff. Of course they did and I had to get Kirkland a little something.

I also got her some little booties and a hat for the hospital. We're still on the search for the perfect coming home outfit, but I have in mind what I want.
Friday, August 20, 2010
28 week appointment
Just got back from our 28 week appointment...we're in the homestretch now and we'll be going every 2 weeks for the next couple appointments! :) I've been so worried about not being "big," but Dr. Risinger reassured me that Kirkland measures perfectly for 28 weeks, her heartbeat sounds great at 153 beats/minute, and I gained 3 lbs since our appointment 4 weeks ago. She said that I should really start to "pop" out within the next 2 weeks and I should be bigger by my 30 week appointment. Then we started talking about shopping for babies and where to find some good sales (have I mentioned that Dr. Risinger is my favorite doc in the practice so far??).
I also have to throw in that Dr. Risinger asked if she was active and moving a good bit. Then, she started pressing my belly to find what position she was in and miss priss decided to show her that she could kick. That's my girl! :)
How far along? 28 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 23 lbs since getting back to pre-prego weight
Maternity clothes? I confess that I tried to squeeze into some of my regular shorts this morning. Let's just say that I'm wearing my maternity shorts now.
Stretch marks? Haven't found any more thankfully!
Sleep: In between peeing every couple of hours and my back killing me, I'm definately getting prepared for when Kirkland's here.
Best moment this week: Dr. Risinger saying that we're healthy and right on schedule!
Movement: Baby girl is on the move all the time!
Cravings: I still can't live without my daily chocolate. It should seriously be a sin not to have some kind of chocolate everyday!
Gender: Still my baby girl
Labor Signs: None, but she said if I haven't started having Braxton Hicks contractions yet then that should start by the next appointment.
Belly Button in or out? The "Kirkland timer" is still in...for the most part.
What I miss: SLEEP!
What I am looking forward to: November
Weekly Wisdom: Celebrate each week that we get to! Each is a step closer to getting a healthy, happy Kirkland here!
Milestones: Making it to 28 weeks!
I also have to throw in that Dr. Risinger asked if she was active and moving a good bit. Then, she started pressing my belly to find what position she was in and miss priss decided to show her that she could kick. That's my girl! :)
How far along? 28 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 23 lbs since getting back to pre-prego weight
Maternity clothes? I confess that I tried to squeeze into some of my regular shorts this morning. Let's just say that I'm wearing my maternity shorts now.
Stretch marks? Haven't found any more thankfully!
Sleep: In between peeing every couple of hours and my back killing me, I'm definately getting prepared for when Kirkland's here.
Best moment this week: Dr. Risinger saying that we're healthy and right on schedule!
Movement: Baby girl is on the move all the time!
Cravings: I still can't live without my daily chocolate. It should seriously be a sin not to have some kind of chocolate everyday!
Gender: Still my baby girl
Labor Signs: None, but she said if I haven't started having Braxton Hicks contractions yet then that should start by the next appointment.
Belly Button in or out? The "Kirkland timer" is still in...for the most part.
What I miss: SLEEP!
What I am looking forward to: November
Weekly Wisdom: Celebrate each week that we get to! Each is a step closer to getting a healthy, happy Kirkland here!
Milestones: Making it to 28 weeks!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Week 28...and a little indigestion
It's 1 am and I'm awake. Possibly from sleeping until 2 pm today (don't worry, I had worked last night), but mostly from this indigestion that makes a sudden appearance after I've slept for about 3 hours. Guess that means it's time for another blog.
As of tomorrow (Wednesday), we'll be at week 28...the beginning of month 7...the beginnng of the final third of pregnancy! When I think of it as "about 12 more weekends" until she's here (unless she's anxious to get out), it seems kind of scary. Only "kind of" scary since it still hasn't hit me quite yet that she's ours and will be our responsibility to mold her into a well-rounded person. Regardless, I can't wait to be a mommy and hold and snuggle our tiny baby girl and I really can't wait to see how her and her daddy interact. There's just something about a daddy and his little baby, especially a little girl. :)
The other night she pushed so hard against my abdomen like she was trying to get out of there that it was down right painful and I was wondering if she was going to try to make an appearance through my belly button (or what's left of it)! Jordon told her that it's "not quite time yet" and a few seconds later she was back to doing what has become her normal gymnastics routine. I still can't believe something so little can cause that much commotion and I know it's only going to be getting worse as she keeps getting bigger and bigger!
During the past week I've also learned that nothing should be taken for granted; you never know when or how your life can change. Well, maybe I already knew this, but it never really hit me until this week when we found out that J's grandma had a really bad brain bleed.
Granted, I do work on a neuroscience floor and I see patients who've had brain bleeds all the time, but it's not the same until it affects part of your own family. It's just become even scarier and makes me think about how those patients' families have felt and what I can do to make it better for them. In a few hours Ms. Bonnie goes in for surgery that will hopefully prevent more bleeding and help her to wake up. I can't imagine not having her here for Kirkland to meet. We'll be saying lots of prayers today that everything goes as planned and that God's will be done.
It all makes me appreciate the smallest things in life, even getting to tell my family that I love them everyday.
As of tomorrow (Wednesday), we'll be at week 28...the beginning of month 7...the beginnng of the final third of pregnancy! When I think of it as "about 12 more weekends" until she's here (unless she's anxious to get out), it seems kind of scary. Only "kind of" scary since it still hasn't hit me quite yet that she's ours and will be our responsibility to mold her into a well-rounded person. Regardless, I can't wait to be a mommy and hold and snuggle our tiny baby girl and I really can't wait to see how her and her daddy interact. There's just something about a daddy and his little baby, especially a little girl. :)
The other night she pushed so hard against my abdomen like she was trying to get out of there that it was down right painful and I was wondering if she was going to try to make an appearance through my belly button (or what's left of it)! Jordon told her that it's "not quite time yet" and a few seconds later she was back to doing what has become her normal gymnastics routine. I still can't believe something so little can cause that much commotion and I know it's only going to be getting worse as she keeps getting bigger and bigger!
During the past week I've also learned that nothing should be taken for granted; you never know when or how your life can change. Well, maybe I already knew this, but it never really hit me until this week when we found out that J's grandma had a really bad brain bleed.
Granted, I do work on a neuroscience floor and I see patients who've had brain bleeds all the time, but it's not the same until it affects part of your own family. It's just become even scarier and makes me think about how those patients' families have felt and what I can do to make it better for them. In a few hours Ms. Bonnie goes in for surgery that will hopefully prevent more bleeding and help her to wake up. I can't imagine not having her here for Kirkland to meet. We'll be saying lots of prayers today that everything goes as planned and that God's will be done.
It all makes me appreciate the smallest things in life, even getting to tell my family that I love them everyday.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Oh my!
"Oh my" is all I could say yesterday after my sweet husband sent me to get an hour long prenatal massage from Urban Nirvana! It was the first time I've ever had a massage and definately won't be the last...look at what he started!! I think Kirkland liked it too because the therapist had me turn onto my back half way through and she could see Kirkland kicking from under the covers. That's my girl! :) On top of my massage, I can home to my mom almost finished cleaning our house. Have I mentioned that I have the most amazing parents ever?? We finished getting everything done and now I don't know what to do because all I have left is some laundry to get done. Not complaining, though; I definately like the feeling of a nice, clean house and being caught up on something for once.
We were totally lazy this morning and Jordon said that we both needed to get some rest so we skipped church this morning (busted!) so we can go to his grandma's for lunch and then my parents' house for dinner. I love having Sundays off. :)
Below is my almost-weekly questionaire...
How far along? 26 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't weighed myself since last MD appointment and I really don't want to!
Maternity clothes? Yes, please! I can't seem to fit into hardly anything pre-preggy, but it's okay because it just means she's growing.
Stretch marks? Sadly, I've found one. Luckily, no more since last time!
Sleep: Let's just say I've slept very little until last night after I got loosened up from the massage, even so I still slept off and on. Guess my body's just getting prepped for the sleep deprivation to come.
Best moment this week: Just making it this far with no problems so far
Movement: Is there an option for "all the time!!!!"?? If so then I'd pick it!
Cravings: I can't lie. I have to have some kind of chocolate every night!
Gender: Hasn't changed and hope it doesn't!
Labor Signs: None thankfully
Belly Button in or out? Give it a few weeks and it might be out! We said last night that it was the "Kirkland timer" and when my belly button pops out that means she'll be done cookin' and ready to come out! We'll see if it happens like that.
What I miss: Better sleep and fewer bathroom trips
What I am looking forward to: Seeing her sweet face in November :)
Weekly Wisdom: Celebrate each week that we get to! Each is a step closer to getting a healthy, happy Kirkland here!
Milestones: I consider just getting to 26 weeks a milestone because at 24 weeks she's considered "viable." I don't really like to think of my baby as "viable," but it's a milestone and it feels like huge progress getting her this far!
We were totally lazy this morning and Jordon said that we both needed to get some rest so we skipped church this morning (busted!) so we can go to his grandma's for lunch and then my parents' house for dinner. I love having Sundays off. :)
Below is my almost-weekly questionaire...
How far along? 26 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't weighed myself since last MD appointment and I really don't want to!
Maternity clothes? Yes, please! I can't seem to fit into hardly anything pre-preggy, but it's okay because it just means she's growing.
Stretch marks? Sadly, I've found one. Luckily, no more since last time!
Sleep: Let's just say I've slept very little until last night after I got loosened up from the massage, even so I still slept off and on. Guess my body's just getting prepped for the sleep deprivation to come.
Best moment this week: Just making it this far with no problems so far
Movement: Is there an option for "all the time!!!!"?? If so then I'd pick it!
Cravings: I can't lie. I have to have some kind of chocolate every night!
Gender: Hasn't changed and hope it doesn't!
Labor Signs: None thankfully
Belly Button in or out? Give it a few weeks and it might be out! We said last night that it was the "Kirkland timer" and when my belly button pops out that means she'll be done cookin' and ready to come out! We'll see if it happens like that.
What I miss: Better sleep and fewer bathroom trips
What I am looking forward to: Seeing her sweet face in November :)
Weekly Wisdom: Celebrate each week that we get to! Each is a step closer to getting a healthy, happy Kirkland here!
Milestones: I consider just getting to 26 weeks a milestone because at 24 weeks she's considered "viable." I don't really like to think of my baby as "viable," but it's a milestone and it feels like huge progress getting her this far!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
25 weeks! Getting bigger and stronger!
How far along? 25 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained about 20 lbs total! Yikes!
Maternity clothes? Definately can't wear any of my pre-pregnancy pants unless they're stretchy!
Stretch marks? OMG! I found one!!! I've already bought the cocoa butter strech mark stuff!
Sleep: Is getting harder and harder to come by since either my back starts hurting, she starts kicking, or I'm up peeing.
Best moment this week: Jordon's finally started feeling her move and we've been watching my belly move and do all kinds of crazy things!
Movement: This little girl hurts when she kicks! I'm almost convinced that she's going to be a soccer player instead of a golfer!
Cravings: Don't really have any cravings, just don't enjoy food unless it's what I'm "feeling in the mood for."
Gender: Still my baby girl
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but if I get much bigger then it'll pop out!
What I miss: Being able to go somewhere without having to pee time I get there and before I leave...and being able to make it from Sandhills to home without having to stop to pee.
What I am looking forward to: Right now I'm looking forward to November and cooler weather!
Weekly Wisdom: I have to stop freaking out about something bad happening before, during, or after she's born since all these TV shows have me scared to death. ---words of wisdom from my sweet husband
Milestones: Jordon being able to feel her move!
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained about 20 lbs total! Yikes!
Maternity clothes? Definately can't wear any of my pre-pregnancy pants unless they're stretchy!
Stretch marks? OMG! I found one!!! I've already bought the cocoa butter strech mark stuff!
Sleep: Is getting harder and harder to come by since either my back starts hurting, she starts kicking, or I'm up peeing.
Best moment this week: Jordon's finally started feeling her move and we've been watching my belly move and do all kinds of crazy things!
Movement: This little girl hurts when she kicks! I'm almost convinced that she's going to be a soccer player instead of a golfer!
Cravings: Don't really have any cravings, just don't enjoy food unless it's what I'm "feeling in the mood for."
Gender: Still my baby girl
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but if I get much bigger then it'll pop out!
What I miss: Being able to go somewhere without having to pee time I get there and before I leave...and being able to make it from Sandhills to home without having to stop to pee.
What I am looking forward to: Right now I'm looking forward to November and cooler weather!
Weekly Wisdom: I have to stop freaking out about something bad happening before, during, or after she's born since all these TV shows have me scared to death. ---words of wisdom from my sweet husband
Milestones: Jordon being able to feel her move!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mini Vacation??? Yeah, right!
Thankfully I finally got more than 2 days off in a row and I've been off since Friday and don't have to go back to work until Wednesday night! :) Luckily, Jordon got all day Saturday, Sunday, and today off and my mom was off Saturday and Sunday, my cousin was "childless" for the weekend, and of course my daddy's retired so he has an open schedule (haha)! We've gotten lots done in the house!! The living room in painted (just have to tape and paint the trim), Kirkland's room is almost organized, the guest room is decluttered and almost finished being organized, Kirkland has new clothes and accessories, and my daddy and Jordon have been working hard since Saturday on getting the new countertops and sink in the kitchen. After we get that mess cleaned up, I have to pick out paint for the kitchen, scrub the cabinets again, and get the kitchen completed and messed moved from the dining room to the shed. Can I have more stretches of this many days off so I can get more done again??? Too bad I thought I was going to be able to have a mini "vacay," but if I can get stuff checked off the to-do list then I'll stay home any time!
In other events, today was week 24 appointment. I still can't believe I'll be 25 weeks on Wednesday! Time has been flying the past few weeks, which I've enjoyed because we're closer and closer to having Kirkland here. Today they did the "glucola" test to check for gestational diabetes, so I had to drink some yummy (insert sarcasm here) orange drink that tasted like flat orange soda. I was too excited to actually keep down the stuff!! I saw Dr. Painter today, another awesome and sweet OB, and they were able to measure my belly for the first time. (Woohoo! Progress!) It didn't take Dr. Painter but a second to find missy's heartbeat, which was around 150-160, the norm for her at this time. Otherwise, she said everything was looking good! :) I'll be posting belly pictures later and some pictures of our house progress.
In other events, today was week 24 appointment. I still can't believe I'll be 25 weeks on Wednesday! Time has been flying the past few weeks, which I've enjoyed because we're closer and closer to having Kirkland here. Today they did the "glucola" test to check for gestational diabetes, so I had to drink some yummy (insert sarcasm here) orange drink that tasted like flat orange soda. I was too excited to actually keep down the stuff!! I saw Dr. Painter today, another awesome and sweet OB, and they were able to measure my belly for the first time. (Woohoo! Progress!) It didn't take Dr. Painter but a second to find missy's heartbeat, which was around 150-160, the norm for her at this time. Otherwise, she said everything was looking good! :) I'll be posting belly pictures later and some pictures of our house progress.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wild Girl!
I'm sitting here watching my belly jump up and down...more than it ever has before!! I just ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes and here lately, it's foods that make Kirkland dance around like a wild girl. I can't believe we're at the 24 week mark today! It just seems like the time from my last appointment has flown by and yet it's time for another appointment Monday, this time to take the glucola test to check for gestational diabetes. Keep your fingers crossed; I don't think I could live without sweets!
My book says that our baby girl is 1 1/2 pounds and 8 1/2 inches long!! She's growing so fast and from here on out she should be gaining 6 ounces per week and she's packing on the cute baby fat now. Just keep growing like a weed sweet girl!
I've also learned that Kirkland likes music, like her mommy. We listened to Taylor Swift yesterday on the ride to my cousin's house and she kicked, and kicked, and kicked. Then, when I turned it off of Taylor she quit kicking and my mom couldn't get her to move for anything! Well, I take that back because we were trying to talk to her and "squish" her (yeah, sounds so horrible, but it works) and then she just settled onto my back nerve that sends the most awful pain down my behind! Pay back for aggravating her I guess!
I'll update more after our appointment Monday.
My book says that our baby girl is 1 1/2 pounds and 8 1/2 inches long!! She's growing so fast and from here on out she should be gaining 6 ounces per week and she's packing on the cute baby fat now. Just keep growing like a weed sweet girl!
I've also learned that Kirkland likes music, like her mommy. We listened to Taylor Swift yesterday on the ride to my cousin's house and she kicked, and kicked, and kicked. Then, when I turned it off of Taylor she quit kicking and my mom couldn't get her to move for anything! Well, I take that back because we were trying to talk to her and "squish" her (yeah, sounds so horrible, but it works) and then she just settled onto my back nerve that sends the most awful pain down my behind! Pay back for aggravating her I guess!
I'll update more after our appointment Monday.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The "Preggy Pants" mission
It has finally happened at 23 weeks pregnant! The moment I've been waiting 6 months for! I put on my pants Sunday and couldn't zip or button them!! Jordon's response: "Well, let's go shopping." I hated spending money on materniity clothes when hopefully I won't need them after Kirkland's a few months old, but it was either spend some money or have to go naked...almost literally.
Let's just say that shopping for maternity clothes was an adventure and I'm glad I had my husband with me! We searched Belk, Kohls, Target, and JCPenny with only finding a pair of kakhi shorts that I only bought because they were marked down from $40 to $2.99 (score!!). Then we decided to check out Motherhood Maternity, which has turned out to be my new favorite store! They actually had a variety of maternity clothes that don't necessarily look so "motherly," but they're actually cute. I ended up getting 2 pair of shorts, 3 pair of pants that roll up into capris, and 2 cute dresses. Hopefully I'll be able to stay in these clothes until at least November!

We've been busy on Miss Priss's room and it's coming together nicely. My daddy bought her a glider and ottoman set yesterday and J put it together last night. It's one of the most comfy chairs and I can't wait to be able to rock Kirkland in it. And J's Aunt Linda has bought her two bags of little clothes. No more comments about me buying her clothes, okay?? I've just been buying stuff to decorate her room now. I bought some adorable things yesterday from Hobby Lobby (love that store). I got 2 picture frames: one for her first ultrasound picture that says "love at first sight" and the other says "I have my Prince Charming, his name is Daddy." I can't wait to get her little pictures around her room. Hurry up November!!
I've started noticing lately that when I eat certain foods it sends Kirkland in a kicking frenzy. I'm guessing that means she likes the food?? If so then her faves so far are applesauce, chicken (that's my girl!), and biscuits, gravy, and bacon from the cafeteria at work. I swear she also takes at least one good tumble/flip daily. Possible future gymnist?? The book says she's over a pound now and she'll be doubling her weight by the end of the 6th month!! Grow Kirkland, grow! She's also supposed to be able to hear voices from the outside, so I constantly remind J that "we have little ears now." She should definately know what music is by the time she gets here as much (and as loud) as I listen to it in the car. I've already got her playlist on the iPod ready with lullibies and soothing music!
Hopefully things will keep going this way and it won't be too long before she's making her presence known!
Let's just say that shopping for maternity clothes was an adventure and I'm glad I had my husband with me! We searched Belk, Kohls, Target, and JCPenny with only finding a pair of kakhi shorts that I only bought because they were marked down from $40 to $2.99 (score!!). Then we decided to check out Motherhood Maternity, which has turned out to be my new favorite store! They actually had a variety of maternity clothes that don't necessarily look so "motherly," but they're actually cute. I ended up getting 2 pair of shorts, 3 pair of pants that roll up into capris, and 2 cute dresses. Hopefully I'll be able to stay in these clothes until at least November!
We've been busy on Miss Priss's room and it's coming together nicely. My daddy bought her a glider and ottoman set yesterday and J put it together last night. It's one of the most comfy chairs and I can't wait to be able to rock Kirkland in it. And J's Aunt Linda has bought her two bags of little clothes. No more comments about me buying her clothes, okay?? I've just been buying stuff to decorate her room now. I bought some adorable things yesterday from Hobby Lobby (love that store). I got 2 picture frames: one for her first ultrasound picture that says "love at first sight" and the other says "I have my Prince Charming, his name is Daddy." I can't wait to get her little pictures around her room. Hurry up November!!
I've started noticing lately that when I eat certain foods it sends Kirkland in a kicking frenzy. I'm guessing that means she likes the food?? If so then her faves so far are applesauce, chicken (that's my girl!), and biscuits, gravy, and bacon from the cafeteria at work. I swear she also takes at least one good tumble/flip daily. Possible future gymnist?? The book says she's over a pound now and she'll be doubling her weight by the end of the 6th month!! Grow Kirkland, grow! She's also supposed to be able to hear voices from the outside, so I constantly remind J that "we have little ears now." She should definately know what music is by the time she gets here as much (and as loud) as I listen to it in the car. I've already got her playlist on the iPod ready with lullibies and soothing music!
Hopefully things will keep going this way and it won't be too long before she's making her presence known!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Week 22
Week 22 is here! Miss priss has definately been on the move over the past week and it's probably from all of the yummy food I've eaten! :) We had a great 4th of July, which I was really excited to be off for, at my parents' cook out and at the house at the lake. No fireworks this year because, of course, an hour before they started I was starving so we had to head back to town so we could eat! Oh well, we'll do next year's fireworks if Kirkland allows us to see them. I'm sad, but happy, to say that I had to buy a new bathing suit...a size bigger than normal. The bump is starting to get bigger and my pants are starting to get a wee bit tighter, but at least I'm getting there! Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll actually look pregnant and not just like I ate too much.
We've been working really hard on Kirkland's nursery and we've gotten so much done. This weekend we're going to buy the fabric to make her bedding and curtains! I'm so really to have her little room put together and have her to put in it! I'll post pictures of our progress so far later this week, hopefully with some week 22 belly pictures.
We've been working really hard on Kirkland's nursery and we've gotten so much done. This weekend we're going to buy the fabric to make her bedding and curtains! I'm so really to have her little room put together and have her to put in it! I'll post pictures of our progress so far later this week, hopefully with some week 22 belly pictures.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It's a.....GIRL!
Yesterday was the big ultrasound to check out baby's anatomy and gender. Luckily, one of the first things the nurse did was check to see if we had a girl or boy (thank goodness...I couldn't take anymore suspense!). We have a baby girl! She went from head to toe checking organs and stuctures and she said everything looks normal and there's nothing that looks concerning to her and no Downs syndrome or head/spine abnormalities. :) The uncertainty of knowing whether everything was going okay was driving me nuts, but now I'm a lot calmer (for now).
And yes, after the appointment I had to go shopping. Little miss now has an adorable dress for church, 2 little sweaters, a pair of jeans and a cute little top, and a couple of newborn onsies with little footies. I couldn't help but to buy for her and don't worry, I did hold back from buying other stuff!
We have decided on a name. I think we've had names picked out for a while! We wanted to name him or her after both of our families. So...her name is Audrey Kirkland. Audrey was my grand dad's name on my daddy's side and Kirkland is the name of Jordon's dad and grand dad.
Here's some ultrasound picture of miss Kirkland...
Her little feet

Her heartbeat

She's definately a girl!

Nose and lips

Her perfect little heart

Pretty little spine

Sweet girl
And yes, after the appointment I had to go shopping. Little miss now has an adorable dress for church, 2 little sweaters, a pair of jeans and a cute little top, and a couple of newborn onsies with little footies. I couldn't help but to buy for her and don't worry, I did hold back from buying other stuff!
We have decided on a name. I think we've had names picked out for a while! We wanted to name him or her after both of our families. So...her name is Audrey Kirkland. Audrey was my grand dad's name on my daddy's side and Kirkland is the name of Jordon's dad and grand dad.
Here's some ultrasound picture of miss Kirkland...
Her little feet

Her heartbeat

She's definately a girl!

Nose and lips

Her perfect little heart

Pretty little spine

Sweet girl

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Half way there!
How far along? 20 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: No more weight gain since last post.
Maternity clothes? Still in 99.9% of my pre-prego clothes, but I can definately tell that within the last week my belly has gotten bigger!
Stretch marks? none so far and let's hope to keep it that way!
Sleep: Other than having to pee every hour, I'm enjoying every bit I can get!
Best moment this week: Every time the little stinker kicked and moved
Movement: Much, much more than last week and I can tell he/she is getting stronger.
Cravings: Let's just say that I'm eating like a 300 lb man...or that's what I feel like!
Gender: Only a few more days until we find out!!! :)))
Labor Signs: None, thankfully...we got lots more baking in the oven before that needs to happen
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not having to make bathroom stops at every place I go!
What I am looking forward to: Monday!!! The next post will be the answer to "girl or boy!"
Weekly Wisdom: By next week the baby will be developing tastes for foods. I've been trying my best to eat "healthy" food even though it's hard sometimes.
Milestones: More and stronger movement! And the baby was moving all around during the Carolina baseball game tonight (we definately have a little Carolina fan)...I'm sure it didn't help that we were yelling and going crazy anyways!
Total weight gain/loss: No more weight gain since last post.
Maternity clothes? Still in 99.9% of my pre-prego clothes, but I can definately tell that within the last week my belly has gotten bigger!
Stretch marks? none so far and let's hope to keep it that way!
Sleep: Other than having to pee every hour, I'm enjoying every bit I can get!
Best moment this week: Every time the little stinker kicked and moved
Movement: Much, much more than last week and I can tell he/she is getting stronger.
Cravings: Let's just say that I'm eating like a 300 lb man...or that's what I feel like!
Gender: Only a few more days until we find out!!! :)))
Labor Signs: None, thankfully...we got lots more baking in the oven before that needs to happen
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not having to make bathroom stops at every place I go!
What I am looking forward to: Monday!!! The next post will be the answer to "girl or boy!"
Weekly Wisdom: By next week the baby will be developing tastes for foods. I've been trying my best to eat "healthy" food even though it's hard sometimes.
Milestones: More and stronger movement! And the baby was moving all around during the Carolina baseball game tonight (we definately have a little Carolina fan)...I'm sure it didn't help that we were yelling and going crazy anyways!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Heaven's new angel
One of the most beautiful, bravest little boys lost his fight with cancer last night. I can't help but think that Heaven is a little better because they gained a blonde haired, blue eyed angel. For almost 2 years this sweet little boy has fought a hard fight. He's been an inspiration to so many people and has brought a community together. Though it's hard to imagine little Bayler being gone now, it's comforting to know that he's no longer in pain but now he's dancing around in Heaven celebrating the big Carolina baseball win last night. I'm very lucky to not have lost any close family members (other than my granddaddy when I was about a year and a half old), yet alone a child. I cannot imagine what Rob and Risha as parents are going through. I'm sure that 7 years ago when Bayler was born they never thought that they'd see the day when they had to say goodbye to their sweet Bayler. Teal and Rhodes family, we are constantly thinking about you and praying for your comfort, peace, and understanding during this difficult time. Just keep thinking of Heaven's newest little angel and the joy he's having up there and faith that you'll be together again some day.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
19th week
How far along? 19 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: According to my scale at home, I've gained 2-3 lbs since my last appointment
Maternity clothes? Still in pre-pregnancy clothes...with the exception of one pair of capris that I have to wear my belly band with! This means I'm growing!!:)
Stretch marks? none so far and let's hope to keep it that way!
Sleep: It's been off and on since my lower back starts hurting if I'm in one spot for a certain period of time.
Best moment this week: Definately wasn't having to stay overnight at the hospital, but finding out that everything is okay and hearing baby's heartbeat (once they could find him/her)!
Movement: I feel some movement at least everyday. Sometimes I feel more, sometimes I feel less.
Cravings: Really haven't had any cravings.
Gender: A week and a half and we find out! :)
Labor Signs: None, thankfully...we got lots more baking in the oven before that needs to happen
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to walk without random "nerve pain" down my bottom and legs.
What I am looking forward to: Next appointment and finding out if it's a him or a her!
Weekly Wisdom: There's nothing more important than mine and my baby's health.
Milestones: More movement!
Total weight gain/loss: According to my scale at home, I've gained 2-3 lbs since my last appointment
Maternity clothes? Still in pre-pregnancy clothes...with the exception of one pair of capris that I have to wear my belly band with! This means I'm growing!!:)
Stretch marks? none so far and let's hope to keep it that way!
Sleep: It's been off and on since my lower back starts hurting if I'm in one spot for a certain period of time.
Best moment this week: Definately wasn't having to stay overnight at the hospital, but finding out that everything is okay and hearing baby's heartbeat (once they could find him/her)!
Movement: I feel some movement at least everyday. Sometimes I feel more, sometimes I feel less.
Cravings: Really haven't had any cravings.
Gender: A week and a half and we find out! :)
Labor Signs: None, thankfully...we got lots more baking in the oven before that needs to happen
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to walk without random "nerve pain" down my bottom and legs.
What I am looking forward to: Next appointment and finding out if it's a him or a her!
Weekly Wisdom: There's nothing more important than mine and my baby's health.
Milestones: More movement!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
What a night!
I've had migraines for about 10 years now and luckily haven't had a bad one since the beginning of the year. I guess Monday night I had spoken too soon because of course I started getting one. Yesterday it was so bad that I woke me up from sleep and after I had taken all the meds I could safely take I figured I'd just go ahead and head into work since I was only working 4 hours anyways. On the way there the right side of my face, neck, and arm started getting numb and I asked Jordon to call the doctor's office to see if there was something I could take to get rid of the headache and what to do about the numbness. Needless to say, the doctor on call at the OB office called the floor and was worried since I had numbness and it had never happened before. I ended up being taken to the 4th floor, which is women's services, to the labor and delivery unit to be monitored and given IV pain meds. I have a new appreciation for my patients now because I really hate being the patient! I was so proud of Jordon because he's always saying how he can't handle hospitals, but he stayed the whole time and even slept on the little pull out couch that didn't look comfortable at all! He even got to pick at me for my many faces as the nurse tried to start an IV (18 gauge for my nursing people)into whatever little vein they could find...that was almost as worse as the headache at that point! Luckily the Demerol and Phenergan (which made me almost jump out of the bed from how bad it stung!) gave me some good rest for a few hours...I even think I drooled a little. The nurse woke me up to check on the numbness, which I still had, so she said the doctor wanted me to stay overnight to see if it went away on its own. I woke up about 4am and no numbness!! :)
I had several of my co-workers come visit me, which I thought was so sweet. And I sorry y'all had to see me so freaked out before they got me calmed down on the 4th floor and I appreciate all the thoughts and well wishes. Luckily, "Leonard" (as Jordon calls the baby), wasn't affected and all is well as far as he/she goes. Hopefully no more scares like this, but I'm really lucky have had so many great nurses and co-workers around to be there for me and do whatever they could to help. Now that I've had a trial run on labor and delivery, I don't plan on going back until November when it's time for little one to get here.
I had several of my co-workers come visit me, which I thought was so sweet. And I sorry y'all had to see me so freaked out before they got me calmed down on the 4th floor and I appreciate all the thoughts and well wishes. Luckily, "Leonard" (as Jordon calls the baby), wasn't affected and all is well as far as he/she goes. Hopefully no more scares like this, but I'm really lucky have had so many great nurses and co-workers around to be there for me and do whatever they could to help. Now that I've had a trial run on labor and delivery, I don't plan on going back until November when it's time for little one to get here.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bump pictures
I finally got some belly shots (like I've been saying since I found out little one was coming), but not a whole lot has changed. There's a bit of a bump, but compared to other people's bumps...I don't know what to think! Anyways, the pictures are at 18 1/2 weeks and I'm going to try to do a weekly photo just to track progress.

Friday, June 11, 2010
18 weeks already??
I don't know where the time is going, but we're at 18 weeks already. I guess in a way it's moving so slowly because we're dying to get to our next appointment on the 28th to find out if it's a boy or girl.
The book says he/she is about 5 1/2 inches long and about 5 ounces, moving around, learning to yawn and hiccup, and developing fingerprints on those itty bitty perfect little fingers! I can't wait to see those little fingers and hands! :)
The past couple of weeks have been busy and crazy, but fun! We've gotten linens figured out for bedding (my mom is teaching me to sew and we're making some custom bedding with Vera Bradley's "Sittin' in a tree" pattern), paint colors some-what picked out, we went to Charleston on a mini-vacay, picked out the crib, got our house semi-straightened out from the mess of having the floor and carpet put down. Oh, and in between all of that we both worked. We've had fun though and it's made the time pass by quicker while we're waiting on our next appointment!
I have to say though, that if you're going down to Charleston on a little vacation, check out Vendue Inn in downtown. It was so nice and it's more or less a bed and breakfast with a bit of a hotel feel. The biggest perk was that breakfast is included with your room...and it was a-mazing! The only thing that stunk was the fact that it seems 100x hotter and more humid and that really doesn't mix well when you're pregnant!
I guess the baby was excited about going down to Charleston because he/she moved all around almost the whole way down there! We did end up buying a couple of things for him/her while we were down there like a soft, fuzzy blanket, a pack of long sleeve body suits, and Jordon had to make sure that he/she had a little out fit to match mommy's "crabby" shirt (it's a little shirt that says "I'm crabby" with a little crab on it). And yes, it's true that we went to Charleston Crab House for my usual crab leg feast and I ate a pound and a half and was still starving! I just say that that was the baby's pound and a half and I had to find something else to eat. Oh well, if it makes him/her happy then they can have my pound and half of crab legs all day long.
And don't let Jordon fool you; he's been calling the baby "Leonard". Why? I have no clue, but that's not our baby's name and we don't know the gender and not telling anyone. My instinct keeps pushing me towards one gender, but we'll see in about 2 weeks. Either way I don't care as long as he/she has all the little parts they're supposed to and is healthy and happy.
The book says he/she is about 5 1/2 inches long and about 5 ounces, moving around, learning to yawn and hiccup, and developing fingerprints on those itty bitty perfect little fingers! I can't wait to see those little fingers and hands! :)
The past couple of weeks have been busy and crazy, but fun! We've gotten linens figured out for bedding (my mom is teaching me to sew and we're making some custom bedding with Vera Bradley's "Sittin' in a tree" pattern), paint colors some-what picked out, we went to Charleston on a mini-vacay, picked out the crib, got our house semi-straightened out from the mess of having the floor and carpet put down. Oh, and in between all of that we both worked. We've had fun though and it's made the time pass by quicker while we're waiting on our next appointment!
I have to say though, that if you're going down to Charleston on a little vacation, check out Vendue Inn in downtown. It was so nice and it's more or less a bed and breakfast with a bit of a hotel feel. The biggest perk was that breakfast is included with your room...and it was a-mazing! The only thing that stunk was the fact that it seems 100x hotter and more humid and that really doesn't mix well when you're pregnant!
I guess the baby was excited about going down to Charleston because he/she moved all around almost the whole way down there! We did end up buying a couple of things for him/her while we were down there like a soft, fuzzy blanket, a pack of long sleeve body suits, and Jordon had to make sure that he/she had a little out fit to match mommy's "crabby" shirt (it's a little shirt that says "I'm crabby" with a little crab on it). And yes, it's true that we went to Charleston Crab House for my usual crab leg feast and I ate a pound and a half and was still starving! I just say that that was the baby's pound and a half and I had to find something else to eat. Oh well, if it makes him/her happy then they can have my pound and half of crab legs all day long.
And don't let Jordon fool you; he's been calling the baby "Leonard". Why? I have no clue, but that's not our baby's name and we don't know the gender and not telling anyone. My instinct keeps pushing me towards one gender, but we'll see in about 2 weeks. Either way I don't care as long as he/she has all the little parts they're supposed to and is healthy and happy.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The start to year #2
Too bad we really didn't get to spend much time together for our first anniversary since we both had to work and all. Ah, the joys of being an adult! My parents were sweet enough to make us dinner and we cut our year old cake (which by the way is not a good idea if you're prego and sensitive to every taste and smell). We may not have been able to get away this past weekend but we are going on a much needed mini-vacay next weekend! I pretty much can't wait, especially after Jordon booked the LAST room at the bed and breakfast we're staying at...I'm so ready to be spoiled for a couple of days!
We did have a late anniversary present; we had a 16 week check-up yesterday afternoon. We met Dr. Linfert and she "tried" to listen to McNugget's heartbeat, but he/she was so stinkin' squirmy that she had to keep chasing him/her to hear it! AND while she was chasing him/her and pressing on my belly, I felt what I'm positive was baby movement!! It felt just like little tiny butterflies moving. :) I was told I should start to feel a little movement now and I've been so anxious that I won't know what it feels like and miss it, but now I know. My mom got to go and hear the heartbeat and she's planning on going to next appointment which is going to be the "big one" when they do the anatomy scan and we find out boy or girl! Woohoo! Otherwise, morning sickness has almost completely become a thing of the past (knock on wood) and I only feel sick around 4am when I'm working night shift (go figure). Dr. Linfert said everything looks completely normal and we're healthy, so I guess we'll just try to keep up the good work and keep growing and growing! Oh, and vote for boy or girl....we're gonna see how many people get it right next month!
How far along? 16 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Finally back to my pre-prego weight!!
Maternity clothes? Bought some, but I have absolutely no reason to wear them right now
Stretch marks? none and hopefully it'll stay this way...I've been using cocoa butter already to prevent anything from happening
Sleep: Well, depends on if I'm off night shift or not, but I slept all night from 11pm and woke up at 4am to turn over...ahhh, sleep, where have you been?!
Best moment this week: Hearing McNugget's itty bitty heartbeat and feeling the first little bit of "kicking" from what the doctor calls a "squirmy little one"
Movement: See above...and I'm absolutely sure it wasn't just gas!
Cravings: I don't know if you'd call it cravings... I just have to have a taste for something before I'll eat it.
Gender: 4 more weeks until we find out and it's KILLING ME!!!
Labor Signs: None, thankfully...we got lots more baking in the oven before that needs to happen
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not being so sensitive to smell and being able to brush my teeth without gagging!
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully feeling more movement and the next ultrasound on June 28th
Weekly Wisdom: Too much to put on here!
Milestones: Movement and the heart rate is lowering...could this mean we have a boy??
We did have a late anniversary present; we had a 16 week check-up yesterday afternoon. We met Dr. Linfert and she "tried" to listen to McNugget's heartbeat, but he/she was so stinkin' squirmy that she had to keep chasing him/her to hear it! AND while she was chasing him/her and pressing on my belly, I felt what I'm positive was baby movement!! It felt just like little tiny butterflies moving. :) I was told I should start to feel a little movement now and I've been so anxious that I won't know what it feels like and miss it, but now I know. My mom got to go and hear the heartbeat and she's planning on going to next appointment which is going to be the "big one" when they do the anatomy scan and we find out boy or girl! Woohoo! Otherwise, morning sickness has almost completely become a thing of the past (knock on wood) and I only feel sick around 4am when I'm working night shift (go figure). Dr. Linfert said everything looks completely normal and we're healthy, so I guess we'll just try to keep up the good work and keep growing and growing! Oh, and vote for boy or girl....we're gonna see how many people get it right next month!
How far along? 16 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Finally back to my pre-prego weight!!
Maternity clothes? Bought some, but I have absolutely no reason to wear them right now
Stretch marks? none and hopefully it'll stay this way...I've been using cocoa butter already to prevent anything from happening
Sleep: Well, depends on if I'm off night shift or not, but I slept all night from 11pm and woke up at 4am to turn over...ahhh, sleep, where have you been?!
Best moment this week: Hearing McNugget's itty bitty heartbeat and feeling the first little bit of "kicking" from what the doctor calls a "squirmy little one"
Movement: See above...and I'm absolutely sure it wasn't just gas!
Cravings: I don't know if you'd call it cravings... I just have to have a taste for something before I'll eat it.
Gender: 4 more weeks until we find out and it's KILLING ME!!!
Labor Signs: None, thankfully...we got lots more baking in the oven before that needs to happen
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not being so sensitive to smell and being able to brush my teeth without gagging!
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully feeling more movement and the next ultrasound on June 28th
Weekly Wisdom: Too much to put on here!
Milestones: Movement and the heart rate is lowering...could this mean we have a boy??
Saturday, May 22, 2010
One crazy year!
One year ago today I was on the verge of going crazy. I had a whole list of things that needed to be done and not enough time to get it done! I guess that's what happens with weddings, huh? It's hard to believe that this time last year we were getting ready for our rehearsal and then our wedding the next day. Looking back we've had a jam-packed year...getting married, me taking the state boards and getting a job, getting a puppy, buying our house, finding out we're going to be parents, buying a new car, getting stuff redone in our house....I feel tired just typing it and thinking about all we did this year! Even though it's been so crazy, I can't imagine spending the past year with anyone else. Happy anniversary baby and it's okay with me if the next 60 years are just as crazy! :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
15 week update
Seems like everything is going smoothly. I'm having more and more good days over bad days. I even cooked real food (something other than chicken noodle soup or mac and cheese) for the first time last night in 4 months. (Maybe it's because I feel better and maybe a little bit because our new stove was delivered yesterday and I wanted to try it out.) I still can't stand the sight/smell of fish, baked chicken, mashed potatoes from KFC or Bojangles, or salad with ranch dressing. Hopefully soon I'll be able to broaden my food palate, but the doctor told me just to take things slowly.
The book says McNugget is about the size of an orange and is moving his/her arms, legs, bitty fingers, and toes. Still a little too small to feel any movement yet, even though the doc told me I should be able to feel something by about 16 weeks. I think McNugget's just doing his/her own thing since I feel like I'm not following any of the growth patterns outlined in/on any pregnancy book/website. I still have only gained back about 6 of the 15 pounds I lost. I have a very tiny, hardly noticeable bump (or pooch, in Jordon's words)...more or less just looks like I'm bloated and should take a diuretic. Luckily I'm still fitting into my pre-prego pants with room to spare, which kind of sucks because I went and bought like 6 pair of shorts a size too big so I could grow into them over the summer and all but 1 pair falls straight to my ankles when I button them. It makes me feel bad because I look at pictures of friends who do the week by week pics and at this same point in their pregnancy they actually look pregnant; I just look like I ate 1 too many donuts. Oh well, my mom said she didn't start looking pregnant with me until she was about 5 months pregnant...that means another 3 or 4 weeks to go and maybe I'll have a bump and people won't look at me like I'm lying when I tell them I'm pregnant. Otherwise, we go for a 16 week check-up next Wednesday and meet another one of the doctors in the practice. Hopefully everything will end up looking good, but I know I'll be anxious yet again to hear them say we're on track and there's nothing to worry about.
Oh, and our house is still in a mess since the owner of the flooring company is here to fix some of the screw-ups from the guys who did the floor and carpet in the first place. Hopefully they'll be done by this afternoon and I can get things somewhat straight and get cleaned up. It's going to be a long few weeks trying to get everything finally finished up so we can start on other projects.
The book says McNugget is about the size of an orange and is moving his/her arms, legs, bitty fingers, and toes. Still a little too small to feel any movement yet, even though the doc told me I should be able to feel something by about 16 weeks. I think McNugget's just doing his/her own thing since I feel like I'm not following any of the growth patterns outlined in/on any pregnancy book/website. I still have only gained back about 6 of the 15 pounds I lost. I have a very tiny, hardly noticeable bump (or pooch, in Jordon's words)...more or less just looks like I'm bloated and should take a diuretic. Luckily I'm still fitting into my pre-prego pants with room to spare, which kind of sucks because I went and bought like 6 pair of shorts a size too big so I could grow into them over the summer and all but 1 pair falls straight to my ankles when I button them. It makes me feel bad because I look at pictures of friends who do the week by week pics and at this same point in their pregnancy they actually look pregnant; I just look like I ate 1 too many donuts. Oh well, my mom said she didn't start looking pregnant with me until she was about 5 months pregnant...that means another 3 or 4 weeks to go and maybe I'll have a bump and people won't look at me like I'm lying when I tell them I'm pregnant. Otherwise, we go for a 16 week check-up next Wednesday and meet another one of the doctors in the practice. Hopefully everything will end up looking good, but I know I'll be anxious yet again to hear them say we're on track and there's nothing to worry about.
Oh, and our house is still in a mess since the owner of the flooring company is here to fix some of the screw-ups from the guys who did the floor and carpet in the first place. Hopefully they'll be done by this afternoon and I can get things somewhat straight and get cleaned up. It's going to be a long few weeks trying to get everything finally finished up so we can start on other projects.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I hate disorganization!
This week we're getting new floors in the kitchen and dinning room and new carpet in the hall. Let's just say I'm worn out from coming home from work to sleep a couple hours (in between the saws and hammering)! Our house is a disaster right now...we have our fridge, washer, dryer, dinning room table, chairs, and the boxes of flooring all in our living room. Let's just say I'm about to go nuts at how unorganized everything is in here, but hopefully they'll be finished early tomorrow so we can try to get everything dusted, scrubbed down, and moved back. They're bringing our new stove Wednesday and then we have to start figuring out when we can get our new counter tops installed, our deck built, and our yard cleaned up/landscaped. Not to mention we have a nursery we're going to have to start working on soon. Hopefully we can get everything done by November!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I feel soooooooo FAT!!!
I walked by the mirror today and did a double take...the bump looked slightly larger than normal. Crazy, but I swear it popped out over night! I think it's mostly bloat, but I still feel HUGE! The bad thing is last week when I went to the doctor I was still minus 15 lbs from what I was pre-pregnancy. I had went and bought new shorts a size too big because I wanted to be able to wear them for more than a month before I have to get rid of them...I wanted wear a pair of them today and after I buttoned and zipped them, they fell straight down to my ankles! Really?! It's so frustrating, but I said that I was going to enjoy wearing my "small" clothes as long as I could.
Aside from that, my daddy got Bella about a month ago to keep at his and mama's house since we won't be able to give her enough time once the baby's here. My daddy also has a black lab, Reese, who's about 10 months old. When Bella had meet Reese before she wasn't too into her because she's so stinkin' hyper! Jordon and daddy ended up putting Bella's pen to share a side of Reese's pen and they've been best friends since. No need to worry about them digging out...they've been digging towards each other! Since they've gotten used to each other and Bella's gotten used to my parents' yard, we've been training them with the electric underground fence (sounds cruel, but it's really not). They've done amazing and last night was the first afternoon they were out together without one of them being on a leash. It was so hilarious how Bella would run Reese ragged. Poor Reese ended up hanging her head and tail and laying down she was so tired from running after Bella. Bella's really been enjoying herself and although it was hard to let my fur baby go, I know it was best for her and she's so happy being able to have a whole 2 acres of yard and woods to run in by herself...not to mention tons of birds, butterflies, and bugs to chase!
Aside from that, my daddy got Bella about a month ago to keep at his and mama's house since we won't be able to give her enough time once the baby's here. My daddy also has a black lab, Reese, who's about 10 months old. When Bella had meet Reese before she wasn't too into her because she's so stinkin' hyper! Jordon and daddy ended up putting Bella's pen to share a side of Reese's pen and they've been best friends since. No need to worry about them digging out...they've been digging towards each other! Since they've gotten used to each other and Bella's gotten used to my parents' yard, we've been training them with the electric underground fence (sounds cruel, but it's really not). They've done amazing and last night was the first afternoon they were out together without one of them being on a leash. It was so hilarious how Bella would run Reese ragged. Poor Reese ended up hanging her head and tail and laying down she was so tired from running after Bella. Bella's really been enjoying herself and although it was hard to let my fur baby go, I know it was best for her and she's so happy being able to have a whole 2 acres of yard and woods to run in by herself...not to mention tons of birds, butterflies, and bugs to chase!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
12 weeks, 3 days
I have to start off saying that I was anxious to make it to this point in my pregnancy because 1.) less chance of anything happening to the baby now and 2.)morning sickness if finally getting better. Wednesday I did a silent celebration that I'd made it this far with no problems. Now we can really celebrate because I know for sure that everything's going fine.
I was sad that I had to go to the appointment by myself; Jordon wasn't able to get off because of a tournament, which made me nervous because what if something wasn't right and I had to be there by myself?! (I hate that I worry like this!) It was the first appointment meeting one of the doctors...they have several doctors (all women) and they have you meet with all of them at least once so that you know each of them so that you're familiar with whoever may be on call at the time of delivery. It was Dr. Risenger's turn and I have to say that if the other doctors are like her then I'm going to love each one of them! She's so calm and soft spoken that my nervousness went right out the window. She first wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat so she tried to use the doppler, but for some reason there was too much interference and she couldn't count the heartbeat that great. "No big deal. We'll just do an ultrasound and you can see the baby too." SWEET!! :) She assured me everything was fine that it was just the position of my uterus (great) and she went ahead and did a pap smear (lucky me) and answered any questions I had (most of which I'd forgotten; go figure). She did tell me that within the next month I should start feeling little McNugget (my new nickname for him/her) moving...exciting!
I had to sit in the "waiting womb" (cheesy, but so cute) and there were tons of other pregnant women in there. All of which had much bigger bumps than me...I don't even have a bump yet...Jordon calls it a pooch (which makes me feel fat), but it's more like a little "pre-bump." Oh well, we'll get there eventually. I'm not going to rush it, but I'm going to enjoy wearing my "little" clothes as long as I can.
The ultrasound went great. McNugget's heartbeat was at 173 bpm. He/she was moving his/her little arms and legs all around and I even got to see him/her turn their back to the ultrasound. Someone has an attitude already! In the pictures of the baby's profile you can even see a little eye and it looks like he/she has his/her hand up at their face.
I'm finally starting to feel better as far as morning sickness. I've been having more good days than bad days, but most of the bad days come with working night shift. I'm still looking and waiting to find something, but I'm sure something will eventually come along...just need to be patient! I still haven't gained any weight back from the 15 lbs I lost between having the stomach virus and then morning sickness. I swear I eat so much when I do get hungry! Oh well, a few more weeks and hopefully I'll be feeling much better.
I'm working on trying to post the new pictures, so as soon as I get my phone and this computer to cooperate I'll post it.
I was sad that I had to go to the appointment by myself; Jordon wasn't able to get off because of a tournament, which made me nervous because what if something wasn't right and I had to be there by myself?! (I hate that I worry like this!) It was the first appointment meeting one of the doctors...they have several doctors (all women) and they have you meet with all of them at least once so that you know each of them so that you're familiar with whoever may be on call at the time of delivery. It was Dr. Risenger's turn and I have to say that if the other doctors are like her then I'm going to love each one of them! She's so calm and soft spoken that my nervousness went right out the window. She first wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat so she tried to use the doppler, but for some reason there was too much interference and she couldn't count the heartbeat that great. "No big deal. We'll just do an ultrasound and you can see the baby too." SWEET!! :) She assured me everything was fine that it was just the position of my uterus (great) and she went ahead and did a pap smear (lucky me) and answered any questions I had (most of which I'd forgotten; go figure). She did tell me that within the next month I should start feeling little McNugget (my new nickname for him/her) moving...exciting!
I had to sit in the "waiting womb" (cheesy, but so cute) and there were tons of other pregnant women in there. All of which had much bigger bumps than me...I don't even have a bump yet...Jordon calls it a pooch (which makes me feel fat), but it's more like a little "pre-bump." Oh well, we'll get there eventually. I'm not going to rush it, but I'm going to enjoy wearing my "little" clothes as long as I can.
The ultrasound went great. McNugget's heartbeat was at 173 bpm. He/she was moving his/her little arms and legs all around and I even got to see him/her turn their back to the ultrasound. Someone has an attitude already! In the pictures of the baby's profile you can even see a little eye and it looks like he/she has his/her hand up at their face.
I'm finally starting to feel better as far as morning sickness. I've been having more good days than bad days, but most of the bad days come with working night shift. I'm still looking and waiting to find something, but I'm sure something will eventually come along...just need to be patient! I still haven't gained any weight back from the 15 lbs I lost between having the stomach virus and then morning sickness. I swear I eat so much when I do get hungry! Oh well, a few more weeks and hopefully I'll be feeling much better.
I'm working on trying to post the new pictures, so as soon as I get my phone and this computer to cooperate I'll post it.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I know the plans...
Since I've found out we're having a little one, I've been overwhelmed. I don't know if I can't speak for Jordon or not, but I'm sure I can when I say that I was flooded with thoughts of "is this really the right time?" "Can we really do this?" "What will I do about my job?" The list of questions I had goes on and on. The only answer that I've found and the only answer that's made me feel certain that we'll be okay is from Jeremiah 29. (One of my favorite passages...)
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future.'" (verse 11)
I had prayed that God would bless us with a little one in His own time and knew He'd only do this when He knew we were ready. I guess I didn't realize that we were apparently ready. I sure didn't/don't feel ready, but then again what if everyone waited to get married or have children when they felt ready. In this short few weeks, I've come to understand that sometimes God does things to help you understand who you are and to make you learn to trust Him completely.
Do I worry about the next 7 months and beyond? What parent doesn't. I worry about my job and being able to find something on day shift so that I can be at home with my family at night (like a "normal" person). I've prayed for the past few weeks that God will lead me to wherever He sees that I need to be. I just have to be patient and keep praying and listening for direction.
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future.'" (verse 11)
I had prayed that God would bless us with a little one in His own time and knew He'd only do this when He knew we were ready. I guess I didn't realize that we were apparently ready. I sure didn't/don't feel ready, but then again what if everyone waited to get married or have children when they felt ready. In this short few weeks, I've come to understand that sometimes God does things to help you understand who you are and to make you learn to trust Him completely.
Do I worry about the next 7 months and beyond? What parent doesn't. I worry about my job and being able to find something on day shift so that I can be at home with my family at night (like a "normal" person). I've prayed for the past few weeks that God will lead me to wherever He sees that I need to be. I just have to be patient and keep praying and listening for direction.
Friday, April 16, 2010
10 weeks, 2 days
While the morning sickness and general "feeling like crap" has gotten better, it still rears it's ugly head a couple times a week. I can't completely tell if it's the new prenatal vitamin or if it's just that I'm getting further along and my body's getting more used to the hormones. Either way, I'm so glad that I have more good days than bad days now. I've been meaning to do "belly shots" to mark growth from week to week, but of course I keep forgetting (can't figure out how I forget this). Next appointment is April 30th...maybe we'll get to hear a heartbeat again. :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Our Big Announcement
Yes, as you can see, our blog has changed a bit from "The Atkinsons" to "Baby Atkinson." It's true...we're having a baby in November and I'm going to try to post blogs and updates as well as ultrasound pics and what-nots. We're really excited and just trying to let everything sink in...and I'm trying to get over this morning, or "24/7 sickness," mess that I'm dealing with. Hopefully once I'm feeling better there will be more posts.
Until then, our first appointment was today. Everything looked great; we got to see the little peanut and hear his/her heartbeat (at 173 bpm!); nurse said that he/she is about 3/4 inch in length and growing like a weed at this point. More or less I was just relieved to see that everything was going well at this point. She said everything was measuring along with the due date so as of today I'm 8 weeks 6 days! (Only a few more weeks of 24/7 sickness, hopefully!) Now if I can just gain about 3 more pounds I'll be back to ;my pre-pregnancy weight that took a hard hit when I got the nasty stomach virus early last month and then a couple weeks later started with morning sickness. My feelings about food change every 5 minutes, but my diet is still limited unless I'm having a super good day and feel like I can eat something other than mashed potatoes. :(
Next appointment is later this month for our 12 weeks. We'll scan and post ultrasound pics soon! :)
Until then, our first appointment was today. Everything looked great; we got to see the little peanut and hear his/her heartbeat (at 173 bpm!); nurse said that he/she is about 3/4 inch in length and growing like a weed at this point. More or less I was just relieved to see that everything was going well at this point. She said everything was measuring along with the due date so as of today I'm 8 weeks 6 days! (Only a few more weeks of 24/7 sickness, hopefully!) Now if I can just gain about 3 more pounds I'll be back to ;my pre-pregnancy weight that took a hard hit when I got the nasty stomach virus early last month and then a couple weeks later started with morning sickness. My feelings about food change every 5 minutes, but my diet is still limited unless I'm having a super good day and feel like I can eat something other than mashed potatoes. :(
Next appointment is later this month for our 12 weeks. We'll scan and post ultrasound pics soon! :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
This week's update
As you know from a previous post, my grammy has lung cancer. Last Wednesday she had her first chemotherapy treatment here in Camden at the hospital. She did well, only hit a few minor bumps, but she's tolerating things well so far. I have to say also that the staff at Kershaw County Medical Center's oncology/chemo department are FANTASTIC! I ran up with my mom Wednesday to take my grammy something and met them. I'm so impressed and I couldn't have asked for better people to take care of my grammy during this time. They're so caring, up beat, and positive...which is something you definately need during difficult times. Of course, my grammy gave me a good laugh when I went up there and she was sitting there talking with another lady getting chemo beside her...
Grammy: "That's Jessie, my granddaughter, and she's a nurse in Columbia."
Lady: "Oh, she's a nurse?!"
I had to laugh. I don't go anywhere without someone announcing that I'm a nurse. I guess I should be thankful that my family is proud of me.
Today, I did get sad news that her friend, Kathryn Elmore, had passed away. She found out around the same time as grammy that she also had cancer, but my understanding is that it was more extensive. Ms. Kathryn was such a sweetheart and such a good friend to my grammy. Unfortunately the last time I was able to see her was at our wedding. Our thoughts and prayers go to Ms. Kathryn's family. She'll be greatly missed.
(My grammy and Ms. Kathryn at the wedding)
As my grammy said earlier this week: "When it rains it pours."
In response: "It's not about learning to weather out the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Grammy: "That's Jessie, my granddaughter, and she's a nurse in Columbia."
Lady: "Oh, she's a nurse?!"
I had to laugh. I don't go anywhere without someone announcing that I'm a nurse. I guess I should be thankful that my family is proud of me.
Today, I did get sad news that her friend, Kathryn Elmore, had passed away. She found out around the same time as grammy that she also had cancer, but my understanding is that it was more extensive. Ms. Kathryn was such a sweetheart and such a good friend to my grammy. Unfortunately the last time I was able to see her was at our wedding. Our thoughts and prayers go to Ms. Kathryn's family. She'll be greatly missed.
As my grammy said earlier this week: "When it rains it pours."
In response: "It's not about learning to weather out the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I can't believe 2009, the year I anticipated most, has come and gone! It was quite a busy year for our families. Jordon got his job at the golf course; I graduated, got a job, and passed my nursing boards; we got married; we got a puppy; bought a house. Almost all of this came in May and after so it's been a very busy last half of the year. Jordon and I have been very lucky to have been healthy this year...and my migraines finally got under control (woohoo!). However, the last few months seem like it's been filled with sickness for our families. Jordon's grandma Carolyn was in the hospital, my grammy found out she has lung cancer, and my Uncle Allan just had bypass surgery this week. Grandma Carolyn came home the week of Thanksgiving. Grammy has stage 3b cancer, but luckily it hasn't spread to any organs other than the lymph nodes so she's starting chemo this week to see how the tumor responds and then we'll go from there. We ran by last night to see Uncle Allan and he's doing really well and will hopefully get to go home this coming week.
As far as working goes...Jordon is still enjoying his job and well I wish I could say the same. I love nursing, just not the kind of nursing I'm doing. I actually just applied for 2 other positions at Richland, so we'll see how that goes. I just hate going to a "job." I want to work and it not even feel like work because it's what I want to do. Oh well, I'll get to where I'm supposed to be someday!
I'm hoping 2010 brings in a fresh new start and lots of new and exciting things for us! Happy New Year!
As far as working goes...Jordon is still enjoying his job and well I wish I could say the same. I love nursing, just not the kind of nursing I'm doing. I actually just applied for 2 other positions at Richland, so we'll see how that goes. I just hate going to a "job." I want to work and it not even feel like work because it's what I want to do. Oh well, I'll get to where I'm supposed to be someday!
I'm hoping 2010 brings in a fresh new start and lots of new and exciting things for us! Happy New Year!
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