This little girl is so much fun! Her attention span is definately getting longer and she will lay under her play gym for 20 to 30 minutes at a time and try to knock her little toy. We have "play time" almost every night where Jordon and I lay her on a blanket on the floor in the living room and talk and play with her...and she coos and makes all kinds of fun baby noises!
I've determined that this child is a morning person. I always do her 5 to 7am feedings so Jordon can get a little rest before he gets up for work and it never fails that she's wide awake and has the biggest grin when she's done with her bottle.
We took her to the peditrician earlier this week for a little rash (that turned out to be nothing more than newborn acne) and she weighed 9 lbs 15 oz. We had tried to guess and thought she was only a little over 8 lbs. We were totally wrong! Dr. Haile says that she's healthy and growing like a weed. Hopefully no more peds visits until later this month for her 2 month check up.
She can go from happy to upset in 2 seconds!
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